bonus: let me tell you a story

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Hey there!

It's your dearest author, dazecyon. <3

So far, this book got 3.8k reads from September 2014 to June 2015.

It's not really a big number of reads but im happy and contented.

Now let me tell you a short story of how I was inspired to make my books!

September 14, 2014

I was laying down on the bed with my cousin's iPad mini in my hands. I came across wattpad and thought, "It's been a while, watty." I said in my head. I signed up again for a new account and used OhMyBoyXO as my username. -If there are readers who've read this since day 1, you probably know.- And why that username, you ask?

Well, I just re-watched BF's hello baby at that time and got obsessed with BoyFriend once again. And of course, EXO.

I was just scrolling through boyfriend fanfictions, until I saw one in my choice. It was about a girl who lived as their roomie or something. I was interested in the story and read on. It was 12:00 am when I started reading that story.

4 hours passed and I finished the book. It had 60 parts and hundred pages. After reading it and the start of the sequel where they meet again in a concert after not talking for so long with my -or the fictional character's- boyfriend, Jo Kwangmin, we -they- finally met once again.

After knowing it was a cliffhanger, I commented and asked the author if she's ever going to update.

After a while of thinking of a plot, I thought.

"Why not a fanfiction about living with EXO?"

"Why don't I try it?"

I hurriedly stood up from my bed where my cousins and my younger were sleeping and sat on the chair infront of a wooden table. I took the laptop and signed in on Wattpad.

I went to the creator's page and started.

I first thought, what title should I use?

black pearl?

baby don't cry?

Aha! Heart attack!

I wrote on the details and description of the story and saved it. I clicked "New part" and started to type the words to start.

"Okay, she wakes up.. Breakfast.. Airport." I thought to myself silently.

I finished doing about 2-3 chapters in an hour and gave up and went to sleep.

I woke up and saw that my first chapter already had 100 reads. I was in complete shock and I was so happy that I updated as fast as I could.

After a while, -at the villa part-

I got lazier to update my stories and alot fell apart.

The reads.

The comments.

The votes.

The messages.

I thought about what I have left and asked myself, "why did I even start what I couldn't end?"

I thought about the ending of a story and said to myself, "Since the title is heart attack, then that means I should make it end with a heart attack."

Now let me tell you, I never had a proper plot in this story.


There was a girl, she wasn't very amusing or very amazing. She was reading a story for 4 hours and got inspired to make her own. Knowing the fact that she actually was writing well, she continued and pursued her writing career.

She turned lazy at the middle part of her book, but she thought about the people who have been waiting for the book to update.

She quickly got up from the couch and took her phone. She quickly went into the creator's area and started typing the chapter; Creepy villa, noted villa.

She was in total panic, she didnt know what kind of chapter would she make.

Until she finally knew what's about to happen.

June 2 came and she published the Epilogue of her story.

She made the Epilogue a clue to her new story, for which the readers don't notice.

And she decided to call the story, Attack on Jaelyn.


That's my story.

I never knew how I did Heart Attack but it was really tiring but fun.

As for the surprise, i'm making a sequel. And with a better plot!

but im sorry, there are a few changes.

[ Hani as Hope Jaelyn Min ]

no more Krystal Jung, sorry. </3

[ —— as —————- ]

The second lead is not yet confirmed.

I hope you guys will support Attack on Jaelyn once I publish it. (: x

-dazecyon log out! x

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