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It can't be.

Dumbstruck with terror, I stared dreadfully at the word appeared on the result window of the pregnancy test. That one word that could potentially change the fate I have at this moment.


How? It only happened once, fuckin' once! How could I be so unlucky and stupid? And why now? Now that there was a possibility of divorce.

Would this change anything? I wondered how he would react. Would he care? Change his mind even?

"Lia! We have to go, what's taking you too long." The banging sound of the bathroom door brought me back to the present moment. I shoved the stick in my pocket out of instinct—unconsciously, I guess I would have wanted to keep this information from him.

I washed my hands before I opened the door. There he was, Theodore Alastair Salvatore, standing with his cold look—a man of absolute and perfect beauty, not to mention the epitome of influence and power.

My future ex-husband.

For someone so plain like me, one would wonder how I managed to get this adonis as a husband, if only they knew that it wasn't love that bounded us to a holy matrimony, but an old pact of our grandfathers made to each other long time ago. This man felt nothing but loathe and pure hatred towards me as I was the sole reason he couldn't marry the love of his life--Penelope.

Almost two years into this loveless marriage, all he did was ignore my existence and be cold to me. I, on the other hand, was expected to tend to all his needs, and obey his every demands and commands.

"You know how much I hate tardiness, right?" He scrawled in a deep steely tone. I wasn't so sure if this was the right time. He didn't look like he was in a mood. Nevertheless, my hand travelled to where the pregnancy stick was, almost tempted to pull it out and tell him about it.

"Theo," I spoke, my voice low and unsure. My palm grew sweaty as I squeezed my pocket, my heart was pounding so loud I was almost afraid he could hear it.

He arched a brow, waited for me to say something. His icy cold gaze made my mouth froze. "I don't have all day, Lia." He blurted out in an emotionless voice. It was evident that his patience was wearing thin.

This kind of news would be easier for a husband and wife who loves each other, but for us...

He turned around and faced the mirror to fix his cufflinks. I followed him, almost determined and ready to drop the bomb.

"We have to get this funeral over and done with. After that, settle the divorce papers. Sign it right away once it's done." His commanding tone grew colder and harsher.

I swallowed the words that were ready to rolled out of my tongue the moment he said that one word I was dreading to hear.


Of course.

I put a protective hand across my belly. Who was I kidding? For all I know, Theo wanted this divorce to happen the moment we said our I dos. I was just in denial before, I never believed that we would get a divorce even though the people around us had predicted this already. I thought that this arranged marriage would work. But it was all wishful thinking. And the death of his grandfather, Alastair Salvatore--the Don, was also the end of this pathetic excuse of a marriage.

The Savatores were one of the founding fathers and oldest Cosa Nostras of New York City, influential and powerful enough to even walk around the city as if they own the place without worrying about any criminal charges or offenses. In fact, they even operate normal businesses.

Lose You To Love Me (Mafia Romance)Where stories live. Discover now