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"You're smirking."

I didn't realize I was until Andreas pointed it out.

I looked up at him at first, then I continued to flip and play with the card Hector left after our conversation. I felt a rush of adrenaline as I realized that my subconscious smirk was a reflection of my amusement at the old man's clever and manipulative tactics.

I must say, it was impressive of him to bring up about my parents, especially my mother, even with ease. This was something even my own family refused to talk about.

He did that just to get my attention, my curiosity.

He sure knew how to manipulate others and play mind games just to achieve his desired outcomes. He would study their weaknesses and exploit them, and play with people's emotions like a fiddle. He would trick his way into their most inner thoughts and use that knowledge to his advantage, leaving them feeling vulnerable and convince them that fulfilling his wish was the right thing to do.

I knew that because I had mastered the art of persuasion and manipulation extensively, I could easily recognize a skilled manipulator when I encountered one, as their tactics and techniques mirrored my own.

Plus, that's my way of living, the becoming of a mafia boss. I thrive on the power of influence and control I have over people's thoughts and actions. I use my skills to bend people's will to suit my own desires and ensure my own success.

This is who I have become--a master manipulator who takes great pleasure in exerting dominance over others and using their vulnerability to my advantage. My manipulation tactics have become second nature to me. I am skilled at exploiting weaknesses and manipulating emotions to achieve my desired outcomes.

I could effortlessly manipulate others to achieve my own goals.

So was Hector.

And Hector's way was flawless.

It wasn't trying hard, not even a conscious effort. He just seemed to know what to do and when to do it. He acted intuitively, guided by his instincts. His actions were seamless and calculated even with the way he talks.

That time, if he chose the wrong words, the situation could have escalated into a violent confrontation. I would have pulled the trigger and killed him on the spot without hesitation just by bringing up that topic about my parents.

But his calculated and careful choice of words diffused the tension and prevented any harm from occurring.

"You should be like him, Andreas. Not at all pushy, not even insistent. He just knew how to choose his words in a way that piqued curiosity and sparked interest without creating any discomfort or aggression. Go straight to the emotions, throw in some subtle guilt, know their fears. By exploiting these emotional triggers, you could easily persuade others to see things from your perspective and take action without feeling pressured or coerced."

"Don't tell me he got you." Andreas said warily.

"No, he didn't get me. Just my curiosity." I answered him sharply.

"That's pretty much the same thing, boss." He snatched the card I was looking at to catch my attention. "The Royal Preston Conservatory of Music," he read. "That's a prestigious school," Andreas remarked, his eyes sparkled in surprise. "Getting accepted there is a huge accomplishment. The granddaughter must be really talented."

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