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I kept my gaze on him, wanting to look away but unable to. I felt hypnotized by his eyes.

And just like that, my heart burst with emotion at the next words that came out of his mouth.

"I worry about you, Amelia. Every day. Every night."

For a second there, I lost myself. All I wanted at that moment was to lean in and kiss him, to feel his lips on mine. I almost reached out, to be wrapped around his arms and feel the intensity of his words with action. But instead, I took a deep breath and reminded myself of the danger behind it.

I wanted to believe Theo's words. I really do. Actually, I did. But I was skeptical about it. Why? Because I'm afraid.

I'm afraid that if I let myself be swayed by his words, I would really rely on it, depend on it my life depended on it. Then I would be disappointed again if it turned out to be different from what I expected.

I want to trust him but it's difficult to let go of my doubts.

Why was I acting as if worry meant love? He said he worries about me, not love me. He worries about me and my safety because I'm his wife and under his care. So what's the harm in believing that alone?

I dunno.

Maybe I was just used to being so cautious lately because every time I think his actions and words were leading to something, there will always be a catch, something to doubt about and I'm left feeling confused and concerned over and over again.

Yes, like what the doctor, or fake doctor, said at the hospital.

I saw a different woman he brought here last time.

With that, all the hope I had for Theo disappeared. Now I'm filled with contempt as I remember my conversation with that fake doctor.

You have the right to know because you're the real wife after all.

I did my best to stay calm and appear composed in front of Theo, even though I was deeply disturbed by the situation.

"You don't have to worry. I'm going to be safe here. As promised by the Don and Lukas."

Theo's face changed. His expression hardened as he stood up. "Of course. The Don and Lukas will make sure of that." He put his hand in his pocket and stared at me intently, as if to remind me that he was still the one who was responsible for my safety.

"Do I have to worry that you're staying here?" Though his expression was one of his signature poker faces, I could feel there was something else he wanted to say, but he kept it to himself.

"Do I have to worry about you and your activities?" I wasn't sure what had gotten into me, but I felt the need to spite him. Truth be told, I was just trying to make an opening to my ultimate question. "The doctor," I cleared my throat and corrected myself, "fake doctor said you went to the hospital with a different woman. He even thought she was your wife."

I watched Theo's face for a reaction. But there's none. He remained expressionless despite me reiterating those words.

"So he was there, too."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt the air around me become heavy. I knew then what he was trying to tell me.

"So it's true?"

I felt my heart breaking. He didn't even flinch or try to lie!

Do I want him to lie? No, but at least...

At least... I wasn't sure.

"What else did he say?" He continued to ask me questions as if this wasn't difficult enough for me to digest this twisted tale. "This will speed up everything. At least we can narrow down the days he was in the hospital. What he knew about us and his motives. I can ask for the copy of CCTV on that date and--"

"Seriously?" My eyes widened as he spoke, shocked and overwhelmed by the nonchalant attitude he had towards the situation. I couldn't believe he was so composed and unaffected by the fact I discovered he was with a different woman that day!

"Why? This information is useful. The sooner we catch that fckin idiot, the sooner we can go home."

"You're not even going to deny it? You're really with someone else?" My eyes pleaded, wanting him to say it was only a misunderstanding and prove I was wrong.

Theo looked me in the eyes, his gaze intense and unwavering. There was no guilt or regret, but something else. I just couldn't put a finger on it, but there was something new in his eyes. But he quickly returned to his usual, unreadable demeanor and shrugged.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I waited for his response.

"Why would I deny it? The last thing I want to do is lie to you, okay? So yes. I'm with someone else."

I didn't let the hurt show on my face. I knew this anyway, but it still stung. As always! I kept my composure and nodded, thanking him for his honesty.

At least he's not a liar. I tried to reason out. Like seriously Amelia?

Well, look at how pathetic I sound!

"Are you concerned about it?"

Obviously! I wanted to shout at him, but I knew I'd only get more frustration and hatred growing inside me from doing that. So, instead of losing my temper, I just raised my wall higher than before.

"No." I lied. It's better this way.

Theo was about to say something, but I cut him off. "I'm actually tired now and want to sleep more."

He stared at me for a brief moment. I could sense he hesitated a bit, but eventually respected my wishes and nodded.

As I lay on the bed, I pulled the duvet tight around me.

My eyes were watering, but I held back. I refuse to cry, not when Theo is still around. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry over him.

I could still feel his presence in the room.

Please just go already!

As if my prayers has been answered, I heard his movements.

Good! Just go.

I refused to look at him, my eyes glued to the lamp on my bedside table.

I saw Theo's hand as he put down a ring on the bedside table. I felt my heart stop and my stomach drop. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

So, that's how he wants it to end, huh?

That's it. This marriage is over.

"Don't forget to put this on." He said. His voice was stern.

Then I realized that the ring was mine, not his. "You're my wife. Well, if you still want to be, put this on."

I bit my lip, refusing to say anything. I felt Theo's hand on my side and he leaned in closer to me, whispering, "I will hunt him and make him pay for what he did to you. Then, I will come back and take you home with me. If you still want to."

I felt Theo's lips on my forehead as he tenderly kissed me which caught me off guard.

"Take care, Lia. I'll see you soon."


A/N: Yeah, Theo is so frustrating. Patreon readers are TEAMTHEO while Wattpad is TEAMLUKAS. Hahaha! Did you make the right decision? Hmmm. I'm excited for the next chapter! 

So, let me know what you think of this chapter. I really love reading comments and they give me inspiration. Thank you!

ADVANCE CHAPTER: Subscribe to my Patreon account notjustarandomgirl. It's now on Chapter 29. thank you for your support!

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