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Three days.

Yes, it's been three days since I saw Theo and even heard from him. No text or whatsoever—none. This was probably the longest time he hadn't talked to me since we got married.

I was worried something bad had happened to him, but I knew it wasn't the case. He was probably just too busy with his work and had forgotten to check in with me. But then, he wasn't like that.

No matter how busy he got, and even though he wasn't home much, he'd see to it that he always kept in touch with me.

Maybe he was with Penelope. Maybe she was at the Villa, too.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach when I thought about how he was spending time with her while I was stuck here in the Casa with no one to talk to!

She was there already, probably playing house with him, so why would he bother to remember me?

My eyes caught a glimpse of the reason and start of our argument.

My wedding ring.

I took it from my bedside table and slid it on my ring finger. I traced the intricate design with my thumb, remembering how Theo had it custom made for me.

Is not wearing this really a big deal for you?

Just when I thought we were connecting, finally getting somewhere in our relationship, then this happened.

What was he expecting when he asked me the question about trust anyway? I just answered him truthfully. In any case, I shouldn't trust him at any cost, but I still do and he always manages to break it every single time, leaving me hurt and disappointed.

But the annoying thing is, with just one word from him, I'm back to trusting him all over again.

It is a cycle that needs to be broken!

God Amelia, you deserve more than this--you deserve to have some dignity. You can't keep going back to him just because he's the only one who's been there for you.

But he's not the only one, right? There are people who care about me, who will be there for me no matter what.

Selena, the Don, even Lukas, and the rest of the Salvatores. I proudly enumerated their names in my head.

With that, I refocused my attention on the book I was reading. One of the many books Theo brought over.

The amount of books to keep me occupied while he's gone--his words not mine, were enough to fill a bookcase. Like it could last for months, not just days!

Did he see this coming? Did he really plan to leave me here in the Casa for that long that's why he brought this much?

Yeah, to keep his mistress as much as he could in the Villa. Like there could be any other explanation than that!

"Have it your way then!" Though no one was around to hear it, I screamed it as loudly as I could. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the anger boiling inside me. I had to take a few deep breaths just to calm myself down.

Again, I was back to reading the same book I had been reading for three days now. And to make things more infuriating, I was stuck on the same page as well. Normally, I could finish a book like this in one sitting, but my brain just couldn't process any words, which is why I couldn't move on!

Well, my brain couldn't process anything only because it was expecting an alert sound or call on my phone. I had been constantly checking it for any notifications from him, which took away my focus from reading.

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