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"You told her what?" I asked Andreas in a hasty tone, eager to confirm whether or not everything was revealed to Lia.

"We just told her the general idea of the plan without getting into too much detail." Andreas replied calmly over the phone, his voice slightly guilt-ridden.

"We?" I growled, my frustration growing. "This was Penny's idea, wasn't it?" I demanded, feeling a surge of anger towards Andreas for telling Lia about the mission without my consent.

"She--" I could feel the hesitation in Andreas' voice on the other end of the phone line, as he struggled to find the right words to justify his actions. "It wasn't just Penny's idea," he finally admitted. His voice was regretful. "I thought it was important for Amelia to know the truth about what happened. It's crucial for her to have a clear understanding of why things happened the way they did. I didn't want her to feel left in the dark or have any lingering questions, especially now that you're separating."

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to process what he had just said.


I felt my anger boiled within me as I snapped, "Who the fuck decided we are separating? I haven't agreed to that yet, and I certainly don't think it's necessary for Lia to know the truth right now!"

My body was pumped up with so much adrenaline and anger that I couldn't even feel the sharp sting as the doctor carefully extracted the bullet lodged in my shoulder. I bet the pain was fuckin excruciating, but it was nothing compared to the betrayal and shock I felt from Andreas' revelations.

After the chaos at the Casa and the gunshot, we had to take action. I instructed Lukas to lead and chase the people responsible while I sought medical attention first. Luckily, the wound wasn't deep and the bullet didn't hit any major arteries or organs. So, I opted out of anesthesia, determined to stay awake and alert during the procedure and stitching process. I couldn't afford to miss any significant details while under the influence of anesthesia, not to mention considering the need to gather as much information as possible.

Definitely the best decision!

Otherwise, I would have missed Andreas and Penny's mishaps. As my private doctor--Franco, who always took care of my wounds--prepared to stitch me up, I couldn't help but wonder if our carefully constructed plan was falling apart.

The sudden attack had thrown everything into disarray, and now, with Lia knowing the truth and Andreas making decisions without my consent, it seemed like the situation was only getting worse and becoming more chaotic by the minute.

I needed to regain control and reassess our next moves before it was too late.

But fuck it! Where do I start?

I couldn't believe Andreas and Penny had fucked things up. Out of all the people, I trusted them the most to handle the situation. I was determined not to let Lia know the whole truth, or if she ever did, she would know it from me, not them.

I had a strict instruction, to stick to the original plan. Simply keep Lia safe as we finish off the mission. Telling her the truth wasn't even on the table.

I desperately hoped they hadn't deliberately orchestrated this situation to push Lia and me further apart.

"I really hope you didn't do this on purpose just to drive Lia away, like what you've always wanted." I said through gritted teeth, my voice laced with accusation. The silence on the other end of the line was deafening, leaving me wondering if my suspicions had just been confirmed.

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