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Theo left me not just with a broken heart, but also with a feeling of betrayal and deep sadness. Honestly, I didn't expect the confrontation to lead to this.

To our separation. To, I never thought I would say this, our divorce.

Was it difficult for him not to see her again? Was that too much to ask?

I don't think so!

He didn't answer my questions about Penelope. He was avoidant, didn't even acknowledge it. He didn't react when I mentioned her name.

He even had the audacity to be mad at me. What did I do wrong? I did everything for him. Was willing to do anything for him. Did he not see that?

Even sacrifice my own...

I stopped and dare not finish my thoughts.

There's no use anyway. He wouldn't see it, he wouldn't understand. All my efforts would be for nothing. It's done.

This is for the best.

I kept saying this over and over again. Hopefully, if I convince myself this, I will be able to finally sleep and find peace within me. But neither peace nor sleep came to me. I lay in my bed, my mind racing, my heart aching, and tears streaming down my face nonstop.

All the fuckin night long!

I kept thinking about Theo and how he might be spending his night with his mistress, in her arms, comforting him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear. They were probably celebrating his newfound freedom that I was finally out of the picture. I was filled with a sickening feeling of emptiness and betrayal as I imagined them together, laughing and smiling, while I mourned the life I thought we would have.

When I couldn't stand these sickening thoughts any longer, I got up and headed to the poolside.

It was 6 in the morning and the sun had just started coming up. The Casa was still quiet, and only the sound of the birds chirping could be heard. I was surrounded by the beauty of the morning and yet my heart was heavy.

"Just think of the good things that will come out of this," I said to myself. I took a deep breath and took comfort in the stillness of the morning. I could feel the guards' watchful eyes on me, and I felt a sense of protection from them. I knew that they were there to keep me safe, and that gave me a sense of peace.

When I left this place, this kind of life, I couldn't believe I would say this, but I will miss it.

But it's pointless to dwell on this. One month from now I'll be moving, and I'll have to start a new life in a new place.

Yes. New life.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and reminded myself that better days were ahead.

* * * * * *

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that the sky was brighter than I remembered. There I realized I had fallen asleep in one of the lounge chairs by the poolside.

I didn't move. I lay there--still, staring at the bright sky, and enjoying the warmth of the sun. It's probably midday now, judging by the strong sunrays.

The birds were still chirping, the trees swaying in the morning breeze, and the sun shining brightly and reflecting on the pool water.

Despite what's been going on in my life lately, I felt completely relaxed and calm. That nap helped, I guess. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, savoring the moment.

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