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I'm exhausted.

So damn worn out.

Physically, emotionally, and mentally drained.

This monster wouldn't even let me sleep. He kept on administering medications through my veins to keep me awake, ensuring that I remained in a constant state of alertness--like it was his sadistic form of torture.

And it was working.

My body was trembling, my mind was racing, and my heart was pounding relentlessly. As if exhaustion wasn't enough, the constant adrenaline rush made it feel like my body was on the edge of collapsing.

I can feel the effects of these drugs taking a toll not just on my body, but mostly on my mind. My thoughts were scattered, and my energy levels plummet. The constant state of alertness in a weary body has become a form of hell.

I wasn't sure how much more I could endure.

Honestly, I could feel my body shutting down, my heart pounding even faster and every muscle in my body aching even without moving. My vision was hazy, making it difficult to focus on anything. Even simple tasks like breathing felt like an impossible challenge, leaving me gasping for air.

My body was desperately begging for rest, but this freakin demon refused to give me even a moment of break because he wanted to make sure I wouldn't miss out on hearing about his twisted and cruel plans in store for me and Theo.


I so badly wanted to sleep and forget these horrific situation that haunted my every waking moment. Only sleep could provide me with the escape I so desperately needed from the never-ending torment of this sick and crazy demon.

Sleep was the one thing my exhausted body craved, the one thing that could restore my strength and sanity.


I deserve this.

I knew I deserved this torture. I did this to myself. If only I had listened--oh God I hope I listened, then I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have put Theo in danger.

I had failed him, despite my promise to protect him. Instead of keeping him safe, I ended up putting him in even greater danger. The guilt of my actions weighed heavily on my shoulders, reminding me of my devastating mistake.

I desperately wanted to turn back time, to undo the choices that led me here. But it's already done. The only thing I could do now was gather my strength and find a way to protect Theo from the dangers that lay ahead.

That's why I have to stay strong. Even though tears threaten to spill from my heavy eyes, I couldn't afford breaking down now. Crying would only give this freakin' monster the satisfaction of knowing he was winning, and I couldn't let him have that.

No way.

I had to push through the fear and exhaustion, channel every ounce of my remaining strength into finding a way out and focusing on the task at hand: saving Theo from this demon.

"It's time to call your beloved husband." The heartless monster drawled in the most sinister tone, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure. "I can't wait to see the look on the great Scorpion's face watching my men having a go with his most cherished wife, and he can't do anything but watch." He ended with a laugh that could make even the most hardened souls tremble in fear.

The thought sent chills down my spine. Being passed around by his men was a nightmare I couldn't fathom, but I wouldn't let fear consume me. I clenched my fists, refusing to let tears escape as I stared defiantly at this cruel monster--that despite his endless talking, he still hadn't revealed his identity to me yet.

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