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"What do you think?"

The Don called me that night to the Casa to know my thoughts about the events of this afternoon, particularly the meeting with Amelia.

Lia now. I corrected my thoughts.

We were in his study, whiskey in hand. The dimly lit room created an intense and serious atmosphere as if every decision made in this room would shape the course of our lives.

Particularly the future of the Salvatore clan.

"About what exactly?" I specifically asked, trying to get more information about what he was referring to.

"About Hector's granddaughter--Amelia," The Don replied, finally providing some clarity to his still vague question.

"As a person or as the future mafia boss' wife?" I inquired. "I have different opinion on both matters," I added.

The Don raised his glass and nodded, indicating that he wanted me to share my thoughts on both subjects.

I leaned back and spread my hands, ready to offer my perspective. "As a person, I think Amelia is kind-hearted and compassionate. She is also very talented and could have huge potential in her career."

"You learned all that from one meeting?" The Don asked curiously. With the way he delivered his question, it was like he was trying to catch me off guard.

But I was prepared for his skepticism. "Don't you think I will just agree to a marriage without doing some background checks first?"

"Is it safe to assume that you liked the outcome of your research and that's why you showed up today?" The Don's tone was hopeful and guarded. I bet he still thought I wasn't fully on board with this arrangement, that I would back-out any minute.

Well, my mind had already been made up. I will marry Lia no matter what. I was just trying to play hardball to get my own way. But yes, I am more than satisfied with the outcome of my checks, otherwise I wouldn't rush all my meetings and have flown 7000 miles just to meet her.

And he doesn't need to know those things. Now, I have to be careful with my response to not give away my true intentions.

"But I haven't told you yet about my opinion on the other fact." I sipped from my glass before continuing. "Amelia as my future wife, she may have to make sacrifices and compromises. She will inevitably be caught up in a world of privacy and danger. You know very well that being an artist and a mafia boss' wife at the same time doesn't bode well, right?" I put emphasis on the last words, hinting at the same situation the Don is very familiar with--my parents.

My mother was an artist, and my father was a mafia boss.

My probing must have taken the Don off guard as he hesitated for a moment before responding. It's understandable. After all, it's a topic we rarely, if ever, talk about. "Indeed, it is a delicate balance to maintain. The world of music requires openness and exposure, while the mafia demands secrecy and protection." He nodded in understanding, but then he looked at me as if he was about to impart some valuable life lessons.

"But love knows no boundaries, Theodore. And sometimes sacrifices must be made for the sake of the greater good." His eyes lit up with a hint of amusement. "In the end, it all comes down to what you're prepared to risk for what you truly desire."

I almost burst into laughter at his last statement. How could I not? The thought of risking everything for this so-called love seemed foolish and ridiculous.

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