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"Hector is dead." Andreas announced when he entered the room.

I stopped eating mid-bite, my chopsticks hovering in the air and the kamatoro sushi falling back onto my plate, forgotten, as the weight of Andreas' words hung in the air. The shock of Hector's sudden demise hit me unexpectedly, leaving me in disbelief.

I only met the old man twice. One was when he proposed the business deal, and the second time was when I agreed to it. It was only a couple of weeks ago, and during both meetings, Hector didn't show any signs of health deterioration. He was still articulate, and seemed in decent shape.

Which made me wonder.

Did he know that his health would take a sudden turn for the worse?

I bet he did, but probably didn't expect it to be this soon.

Now that I think about it thoroughly, Hector seemed eager to seal the proposal immediately. Like he was desperate.

Could this be the reason?

While pondering about his passing, my mind immediately thought of someone who would be much more shaken-up by this news.


My thoughts were filled with her and how she could have handled the news of her grandfather's death, especially with her recital just a few days away. This would undoubtedly have a significant impact on her ability to focus on her upcoming performance.

That is if she still decides to go through with it.

Fuck it!

Why do I have to be about 7,000 miles away from her when these sort of thing happens?

It was only yesterday that I left New York and went to Tokyo for business with the Yamayoshi's. They are one of Salvatore's allies, even considered families, and they needed my presence to finalize an important transaction to strengthen their influence and solidify their position as Tokyo's powerful Yakuza.

Little did I know that while I was away, Amelia would be going through a difficult period in her life.

I put my chopsticks down, my appetite suddenly disappearing. "How is Amelia dealing with this news?" I asked.

I had to know.

"She's coping as best she can," Andreas replied. I heard his faint sigh before he continued, "But I can tell that deep down, she's devastated."

"Obviously," I spat out, sounding a bit frustrated, "she just lost her grandfather, who was the only family she had left. Who wouldn't be devastated?"

"You asked me a question, I gave you an answer. There's no need to be grumpy about it." He retorted back.

I didn't mean to snap at Andreas. He was just delivering some unfortunate news and his opinion on the matter. I was just pissed off, not at him, but at the fact that I was thousands of miles away from Amelia in this situation.


I usually pride myself on my ability to stay composed and rational, but in that moment, I let my fuckin' emotions get the best of me.

"Her best friend is with her to support her, and Penelope is on the lookout--babysitting, like you instructed. It's difficult, but Amelia is trying to stay positive according to Penny's report." Andreas paused for a moment before carrying on. "It's early days yet, but I'm sure she'll find a way to get through it."

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