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"So, basically he is giving you an out, or a choice to get out of your marriage."

"What?" My brows knit together in confusion as I processed what Selena had said.

It's been two days since Theo came over to the Casa, and I haven't seen him since. I hate to admit that I missed him. I didn't want to especially after what he told me about being with someone at the hospital. It hurts to think that he was with someone else, and knowing that that someone is no other than Penelope.

Damn them!

Theo continues to send me messages though, more like reminders, to eat, stay safe or call if I need anything.

Like that would be enough to make up for and make me forget what he did.

Anyway, it's a good thing I was staying at the Casa instead of our home so I wouldn't have to risk running into him again and being reminded of the pain he caused me.

Besides, staying at the Casa was exactly what I needed especially after what happened. I still stand by what I reasoned for staying here though; to help Theo in some way.

True enough, the Casa was safe, heavily guarded and protected. I felt a sense of security here. But after my recovery, it got lonely as I have nothing else I could do. Like gardening, cooking and reading in the backyard, like I do at the Villa.

And looking after Theo's needs.

I purposely ignored that last thought.

So instead of sulking, I told the Don I'd like to go out and meet Selena. He agreed to it, happy for me even. He said that's what I need.

And here I am, at an Italian restaurant tucked away from the city. While I need safety, Selena needs privacy, away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi and the public.

This is the life of a celebrity – having to always be on guard and watchful, being cautious of who you trust and where you go. Being constantly aware of your surroundings. To be away from the eyes of many as well.

Well, it's not much different from being a mafia's wife, trying to keep out of sight and not draw too much attention.

In either case, both need to be discreet and private.

And this is just the perfect place.

I filled Selena in on what's been happening with me, and that was her comment right after I told her the latest one.

As she took the last bite of her tiramisu, she added, "Don't you think it's time to leave him? I mean, what does he have against you? Even the Don is now on board to separate you two."

"That is not true." I told her in a stern tone.

Selena raised her brow at me in a challenging manner. "Oh, stop being so defensive and naive, Amelia. You can't convince me that all of this is just a coincidence. You know what, I think the Don finally realized he made a mistake and is now looking for an opening to make things right. This was the perfect opportunity to release Theo from his duties as your husband. And who knows? Maybe Theo deliberately slacked off so the Don would finally put a stop--"

"S!" My voice rose. I didn't realize that my tone had become so sharp and defensive until I heard the sudden silence in the room. Everyone was looking at me with surprise, and I felt embarrassed for losing my temper. I apologized and kept my head low.

"Wow." Selena breathed out and sipped her martini.

"Even though Theo lacks husband-related duties, he always puts my safety and well-being first. So, he wouldn't do anything that will cause me any harm. He will protect me no matter the cost. I'm sure of that." I said with conviction in my voice.

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