Better than words - 1

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*Jennie is deaf in this chapter*
*italics will be them talking in sign language*

"Jisoo will you please pay attention." Mrs Lovett spoke from her desk as she peered over her glasses at the tattooed, teenage girl.

Jisoo sighed, opening her copy of Hamlet. She tried to listen to the teacher read the words that she had read plenty of times before.

She really didn't enjoy school. She was in her last year of high school and couldn't be more excited for it to be over. She thought it was pointless for being taught things that didn't seem very necessary for everyday life.

If it weren't for one person keeping her head above the water, she probably would have dropped out by now.

The bell went, she released a sigh of relief and grabbed her bag from the chair next to her. "Miss Kim," Mrs Lovett called her name before she even had the chance to leave the room. She turned around and tried not to get too irritated with her teacher, God forbid she did anything to stop herself from graduating.

"I read your essay on Ophelia." She pulled the papers out of a paper folder, "Jisoo do you know how well you write?" She looked down at the papers and saw the 'A' written in a bold marker pen. "You could easily make a career out of this somehow. Your writing is beautiful -- I truly mean it."

Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows the more she spoke. She wasn't good at receiving compliments especially on things like her writing. She enjoyed writing, it was the only thing she enjoyed other than spending time with her girl, but she didn't ever think she could make something of it.

"There's a competition coming up at the local town hall. It's small but perfect to be put on a college application. You'd have to present a piece of writing but you would be strong competitor if you entered." She smiles, trying to see what Jisoo was thinking.

Jisoo thought about what she was saying. Writing was something she did privately, she didn't want to share anything with anyone so she couldn't help but let her frustration overcome her like usual.

"No thank you." She said, Mrs Lovett not seeming to be surprised by her choice. "Are you sure? I'm sure it would look amazing to any college you plan on applying to." She tried.

"I'm not going to college, it's a waste of time and I don't like sharing my writing." She stated, bluntly. Mrs Lovett sighed, knowing she was hard headed and wouldn't be changing her mind no matter what she said.

"Alright Jisoo but let me know if you change your mind." She nodded and left her classroom.

She was a little on edge after her interruption from her English teacher. It was lunchtime so she was desperate to get to her usual table to see her favourite person.

It was unusual for people to see Jisoo smile. She was the school's grouchy, hot yet loner kid who could easily be infuriated by a press of a button but if anyone saw her smiling they could only assume a certain somebody was around.

She walked into the canteen which was already crowded with hungry students waiting in line to get their lunch. Jisoo made a bee line for the table where she usually sat with her group of friends.

"Jisoo what took you so long man! You missed Dahyun talking about her drama class." Lisa yelled when Jisoo came over to the table.

"Jis seriously Lisa won't shut up about it." Dahyun whacked Lisa on the arm. Jisoo grinned when she heard giggling from the end of the table. She walked over and sat down opposite to the girl she thought about every second of everyday.

'Hi baby' she signed to her, watching as the blush spread across her cheeks.

'Hi chu, what took you so long?' She signed in response, kissing her cheek when Jisoo sat down next to her.

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