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Jisoo arrives home after a long day at work. She works five days a week running her huge business and bossing everybody around and it is so tiring. So, as soon as the clock hits six o'clock, she's in a rush to go back to the huge mansion that she shares with her little wife, Jennie.

Jennie is normally cooking dinner when Jisoo gets home. She loves cooking and baking and anything to do with food so Jisoo made sure when buying the house to get the perfect kitchen for Jennie to use as much as she wanted to.

As much as Jennie loved cooking, sometimes she would get a bit tired from doing her own work. She was an artist and had an Etsy shop where she would sell all her paintings.

Recently, she had received quite a few requests which she was extremely happy about but was also very stressed. She wanted each painting to be made with care and put all of her efforts into each brushstroke so that the customers would be satisfied with what they received.

Jisoo told her off many times for over-working herself. Jisoo hated having to go to bed by herself because Jennie was still up working and as much as she tried to persuade her to come to bed with neck kisses and cuddles, Jennie refused and was so focused on trying to get everything done.

So, when Jisoo walked up the steps to their house and opened the door to be hit by the divine smell of Jennie's cooking, her sour mood was instantly forgotten about and she dropped everything by the front door and quickly made her way into the kitchen.

Her heart warmed when she saw her wife serving up her favourite meal, homemade steak with mash potatoes. Jennie hadn't realised Jisoo had returned so she was shocked when she felt her arms slither around her waist. She hummed and leaned into her chest, "Missed you." She mumbled into her neck and closed her eyes, a smile on her face, happy to be in the arms of her favourite fluffy.

"Didn't think you'd be cooking baby."

"Well, I decided to have a rest day, my wrist started to ache a 'lil when I started to paint on the big canvas." She pouted and Jisoo picked up her wrist to press kisses all over it, making her giggle.

After their little reunion after a very long day, Jennie serves up the delicious meal and Jisoo's stuffing her face with mashed potato. They sit at the kitchen island because the dining table was too big for the two of them, and discussed about their days. Jisoo ranted to Jennie about an intern that messed up Jisoo's meeting schedules which ended up with her missing a very important meeting.

Jennie used to work as an intern at Jisoo's company, so she had to tell her to give the intern a break because it's scary working for her.

After dinner, Jisoo helps Jennie to wash up the dishes. She turns on the record player and plays Jennie's favourite album by Fleetwood Mac. She grabs a towel and dries the dishes after Jennie rinses them. "Chu, stop." Jennie giggles as Jisoo grabs her hips and sways to the music.

"What baby? Don't you like this song?" She kissed her cheek and then trailed her lips down to her neck. Jennie blushed and listened to the song that was playing, it was the song they played on their first dance at the company's annual Christmas party.

"You know I love this song." She smiles and turns in Jisoo's arms as they sway to the music.

Later on, Jisoo and Jennie have sat in front of the TV. It was a time where they could relax together but also do their own thing. Sometimes Jisoo would answer emails whilst Jennie watched her favourite show or Jennie would draw in her sketchbook or read a book whilst Jisoo watched a film she really wanted to watch.

But today, Jisoo and Jennie were both watching Casablanca, one of Jennie's favourite movies. Jisoo was sprawled out on the couch and Jennie was laying on top of her with her head in her neck. She was trying really hard not to fall asleep but Jisoo's hand running up and down her back made it really difficult.

Jisoo felt Jennie's warm breath on her neck and knew Jennie was getting sleepy. As much as she didn't want to, she needed Jennie to get ready for bed otherwise she'd get uncomfortable during the night. "C'mon sleepy kitty, wanna take a bath?" She asked.

Jennie whimpered and hid her face in Jisoo's chest. Jisoo gently patted her butt and started to sit up but Jennie didn't plan on moving, she just curled up into her lap.

"Baby," She sighed, "You won't sleep good if we don't get ready for bed." She pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Jennie kept her eyes closed for a few more seconds before opening them again and pouting up at Jisoo, "Carry me?" She pleads. Jisoo shakes her head, a small laugh escaping her lips.

"I didn't know I was in love with such a lazy girl." She says but carries her up to their bedroom anyway. She puts her onto their king sized bed before walking to their ensuite and turning on the bath. She puts a pink bath bomb into the bath and makes sure to add lots of bubbles and then walks out to see her wife half asleep watching videos on her phone. "I've run us a bath baby." She lies on top of her but keeps herself up so she doesn't crush her.

Jennie laughs at the funny cat videos she has upon Jisoo's phone and then looks into her girlfriend's beautiful eyes. "Okay." She tiredly gets up and they both walk into the bathroom together.

Soon, they're both in the bathtub, Jennie sat between Jisoo's legs with her back against her chest. "This is my favourite part of the day." Jennie hums when Jisoo runs her fingers through her hair.

"What? Getting pampered by me?" Jisoo jokes, causing her to laugh.

"Just relaxing with you." She tells her and turns around to press a kiss to her lips. "I wish we could stay in this bath forever." She says, relaxing back into her and closing her eyes.

"Think we'd get bit cold though silly." Jisoo presses a kiss to her shoulder but knows exactly what she means. Jennie and Jisoo only really get to see each other in the evenings on the weekdays because they're both so busy, so any alone time they can get is the time they cherish it the most.

When the bathwater starts to get cold, they both get out and get dressed in their pyjamas. Jennie wears her soft, silky pyjamas and her fuzzy socks and Jisoo wears her sports bra and shorts because she hates wearing too many clothes in bed.

Jennie walks back into the bathroom and Jisoo follows after so they can brush their teeth together. Jisoo always pulls faces in the mirror which makes Jennie laugh and nearly choke on her toothpaste.

After brushing their teeth, Jennie does her usual skincare routine. Sometimes, when Jisoo's really in a playful mood, she helps her and rubs the creams into her face for her saying 'got such a shiny face baby, all squeaky clean and smooth, just wanna kiss your pretty face.'

Finally, they get into their bed together. What they do varies depending on their moods, at times they'll watch movies or more often than not, they'll make love to each other and worship each other's bodies but mostly, they just love to cuddle and kiss, basking in each others presence.

Jisoo wraps Jennie in her arms, making sure to hold her tight the way she likes because Jennie doesn't like moving out of her arms during the night. They exchange 'I love you's' and whisper sweet nothings into each others ears. Their legs are intertwined beneath the covers and Jennie's arms are wrapped around Jisoo's torso as she clings onto her equally as much. Jisoo presses kisses onto Jennie's head and Jennie kisses Jisoo's neck.

Sleep time was their time and it was a time they wouldn't trade for the world.

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