Steal you from Him - 3

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Jisoo's POV

It's been a couple of weeks and I've just been taking it a day at a time. Jennie's been helping me though, I'm glad that I have her and we've been going on a few dates here and there but we have been caught a few times however we've just been saying how we're hanging out. However, we have both decided to keep it a secret as she isn't out and I don't wanna rush her cause... you know, it's-it's a dick move to rush people. Plus, I'm patient. I think- that's irrelevant anyway, when it comes to Jennie, I'm patient.

I wake up to hearing an alarm beeping and Jennie exclaim, I sit up and look around not seeing her, I get up and walk into the room and it's filled with smoke. I quickly open the windows and shut the door, I walk over to her.

"What's all this about?" I ask her, grabbing a towel and waving it above hoping to calm the smoke down, I turn the cooker off as I noticed that Jennie hadn't done it.

"I was trying to do something nice, and-and I-"

"No, hey, it's okay." I tell her, placing a kiss on her head. "It's fine. It's the thought that counts." I chuckle out and just continue to let the smoke calm down. "Well, what're we gonna do now?" I ask her, laughing lightly. She hits my arm.

"Hey! Don't laugh!" She exclaims which makes me laugh more.

"Okay, let me take you out for breakfast?" I suggest, she hums and nods her head.

"I'd love that!" She exclaims in excitement, I grin at this.

"You go get dressed, I'll handle this."

"What? No, I created this. Please, I'll deal with it." She tells me, I shake my head and went to grab the pan and walk over to the sink, I set it down and turn the water on as I start to pour it out but it was sizzling.

"Oh-" I pour the thing out and try cleaning it then put it under water and it seemed to work, "You haven't got asthma right?" she shakes her head.

"No, why?" She asks me,

"Give me a second." I go into my room and grab a spray and just go in and begin spraying it everywhere hoping that the smell of smoke can go away; Jennie just starts laughing at what I was doing. I stop and begin to cough, "Aw, I just swallowed it!" I groan out making her laugh, I put it away and walk back over to the sink and just begin to clean it, I feel Jennie hug me from behind.

"I'm sorry." She apologises, I shake my head.

"It's okay," I chuckle out, nervous as I haven't really been hugged like this before and I am not used to it. I don't know how, it's been over a month of meeting and living with Jennie yet I still get nervous at the smallest actions from her. I move my sleeves up and take my hoodie off as it was too hot, I throw it on the table and it slides off, "Perfect." I sigh out, I hear Jennie snicker at this. "Hey! Don't be mean." I tell her, she giggles and places a kiss on my back.

"I'm sorry." She giggles out.

"Mhmm, yeah, okay Kim. If that's even your real last name." I say before realising how dumb that was.

"I-It is-"

"Yeah, I know..." I sigh out, looking down; making her laugh.


I head outside for some fresh air and look around, as I itch the back of my neck and stretch slightly, I turn around and see Jennie jump on me; I quickly catch her and sigh in relief when I do. She giggles at my scared reaction.

"Did I scare you?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah, you scared me!" I exclaim, holding her close and wrapping my arms around her waist, she chuckles evilly.

"Sorry." She exclaims, then places a kiss on my head. I smile widely at this and she just moves her head in front of mine and smiles widely.

"There's the smile." I laugh out pointing at her smile as I know it annoys her, she swats my hand away which I snicker at.

"Have you got anything planned after this?" She asks me, I think for a moment and then nods my head.

"Yeah, I have... lunch with you." I tell her, she gasps lightly.

"How did you know I was gonna-? How?!" She exclaims and hops down, I keep my arms wrapped around her waist. She puckers her lips which I pucker my lips joining in with her. She giggles and i started to play with her cheeks, "Havin' fun?" she asks me, I nod my head and give her a small smile.

"Very." I muffle out since I'm very much concentrated, she giggles and releases her grip.

"So, where do you wanna go for lunch?" She asks, I think for a moment.

"I mean, I'm not sure. Do you wanna go out or go back home and I'll make something?" I suggest, she gasps.

"Can we go home and make food?" She asks me, "Please?" She asks, I nod my head.

"Yeah, of course." I agree, we high five with both hands then entangle them, moving them down to our sides and I pull Jennie in for a hug, she chuckles and hugs me back.

"Yayy. Hugs." She giggles out, I chuckle at this.

The End

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