The "Trip" Begins

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Y/n POV: I woke up to the sun rising. I saw Neteyam missing, so I knew he was awake. However, Lo'ak, Kiri, and Tuk were all asleep still. I just stayed lying down since Tuk was on me, and Kiri was using my thighs as her pillow. Lo'ak head was close to my neck. I could feel his chest on my shoulder. I soon was brought back into reality when Neteyam was back and said.

"You are awake." I replied with sarcasm. "No, I just sleep with my eyes open now and sleep talk." I heard him laughing a little. I smiled. I felt Lo'ak move a little, so I thought he was waking up. I was correct because I soon heard.

"What's with all the noise?" I could feel his breath on my neck and his tired, quiet voice. I would lie if I said that didn't make me flustered a little bit. I just replied to him with.

"Sorry Lo'ak, Neteyam wasn't being the smartest." I heard and felt Lo'ak chuckle. I thought to myself, 'Why are the Sully's so hot'. I stopped myself from thinking such thoughts. I soon felt Lo'ak move to get up, and he said.

"I guess it is time to get up and get ready for this 'trip'." The mood changed to solemn. I felt bad for them, getting kicked out of their home. Well not actually kicked out, but it feels like it to them. Getting forced to leave. I tried to lighten up the mood by saying.

"At least you can get up, I am being used as a bed and a pillow." I joking cried and complained. I heard them laugh, and I smiled, enjoying seeing them happy. Neteyam said.

"Gonna have to start calling you Beddo." I gasped as I looked straight at his eyes. "Don't you dare." That is all that escaped my mouth because we then heard Neytiri walking to us and saying it was time to wake up. She took Tuk off of me and was about to wake up Kiri. I shook my head and said, "I will carry her to her room and pack for her."

Neytiri looked at me and asked, "Are you sure?"  I nodded, "Yeah not like I have plans to go somewhere." Neytiri just nodded, which I took as just accepted. She then told us what we needed to pack.

When she finished, they went to their rooms and started to pack. I picked up Kiri, realizing she wasn't that heavy. I took her to her room and put her in her bed, and covered her. I started to pack for her. Eywa had wanted me to watch over the Omaticaya Clan, but I wanted to watch over the Sully's. Eywa had dropped my first task and let me watch over the Sully's. I told her I would check up on the Omaticaya Clan every week for a day. So I need to go home and pack sooner or later. As I finished packing Kiri's stuff, she had started to wake up.

I heard her start to get out of bed and said, "Good morning, Kiri!" She looked at me, surprised and said, "Good morning, Y/n. What are you doing here?" I replied, "Ah, well, I just finished packing your bag for your trip. " Kiri looked down, remembering she needed to leave. I walked up to her and hugged her as I whispered.

"Don't be upset because you might enjoy where you are going. If not, maybe I will try to find you guys and secretly take you. " I broke away from the hug and jokely did an evil laugh. I heard Kiri giggle and say, "Thank you for cheering me up, Y/n. I am going to miss you."

I said to her and posed, "Of course you will miss the great Y/n." I heard Kiri laugh, and I smiled and hugged her again. "But seriously, I will miss you too, and the family." Kiri hugged me back, and then we heard Jake at the entrance say. "It is time." I broke the hug and smiled. I think they saw it be a sad smile and the tears that were forming because I soon felt arms around me. It was Kiri and Jake hugging me. Jake then patted my head and said. "Come with us."

My eyes widened, and Kiri looked at her dad, surprised too. I was not expecting him to invite me to go. It would make it easier for me to watch them. I could only make it at one word..."Really..?" He nodded, and I soon started to cry and say, "Thank you. You guys go ahead and do the ceremony and leave. I will pack and then catch up to you guys." He just nodded again and walked out.

Kiri hugged me again and said excitedly, "You get to come with us!" I chuckled and hugged her back and said, "Keep it a secret it will be a surpised." She nodded then soon left, following her dad telling him to keep it a secret. I then went on my Ikran and went to my hut. I packed a bag and made sure the bag my Ikran was carrying had food for her.

I knew then got on my Ikran and started to fly to the Metkayina Clan.

With the Sully's Family

No one's POV:
The Sully's kids were missing Y/n, but only one knew that soon they wouldn't miss her. The Sully's soon landed on a beach. Neteyam and Jake put their hands out to show that they came in peace. These two boys came from the crowd and walked behind the Sully's kids as they started to pick on them. However, they were soon interrupted.

Y/n POV:
I landed right behind this crowd circled around the Sully's, and I heard these boys picking on them. I got off of my Ikran and started to walk towards the crowd. They turned around and saw me walking with anger, clearly showing. Some moved out of the way, and I soon got to the boy and put my hand on his shoulder, making him face me. He was about to say something before I slapped him.

I hissed at him and said, "The fuck were you saying about them." He glared at me and was about to hit me when a girl came and stopped him before he could. I heard her say, "Aonung, stop." He listened, then I hear Lo'ak say to the girl, "Hey." and the only thing I thought was "Seriously." I saw the boy who is named Aonung and his friend get really protective. I hear her giggle. I was just wondering what in the love story. My thoughts got cut off when I felt arms around me. It was Neteyam, Tuk, and soon Lo'ak after his whole lovestruck time.

I smiled at them and said, "Did you really think y'all can get away from me?" I hugged all of them, and then the Chief came and greeted Jake and then his wife. I soon heard the wife start to get really protective of her land and wary of us. I went next to Neytiri, holding Tuk. They saw me, and their eyes widened.

"N/n..?" (Nickname)

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