A Fight!

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Y/n POV:
I then woke up... I forgot I was supposed to talk to Ronal and Tonowari yesterday. I guess I am heading there first. I started to get ready and walk to their maruis. I saw Aonung getting hunting gear. Why not tease him a little more. I was behind him when I said, "Did you get your breathing right?" He turned around really fast and looked down at me. My chest was an inch away from his skin. I saw his skin darker at his cheeks as he backed up. I lend towards him as a tilt my head, "Did you?" I just heard him say, "Buzz off!" I saw him walk away, and I giggled. I saw him stop when I started to giggle, which turned into a laugh. When I stopped, he continued to walk.

I decided to go to his parent's Marius. When I got there, I knocked on the wall. I heard Ronal say, "Come in." I walked in and said, "Good morning. I forgot about you guys wanting to talk." Ronal nodded and said, "Take a seat." Tonowari then said, "How are you liking it here?" Before I could answer, Ronal said, "More like how are you liking Aonung." I heard Tonowari sigh and say, "Dear, don't tease the poor girl." Ronal looked at him, glaring. I broke their little disagreement by saying, "I love the Sea life, and the people are very nice. Aonung, on the other hand. I am not that fond of him because of what he says and how he acts sometimes. Like when he called Lo'ak and Kiri freaks and bullied the Sully family when we first arrived."

Ronal nodded and said, "Understandable. What if he changed?" I thought for a second as Tonowari noticed my slient behavior he said, "You don't need to ans-." I cut him off and said, "I would probably like him. His mindset of new Na'vi people and half-bloods is in the wrong direction. I understand that skypeople are destroying our home, and they are killing other Avatars. However, he can't call them rude names and bully them for different features. Jake and Neytiri fought to protect this land. They should get respect. Their kids need to earn that level of respect, but they also don't deserve disrespect. I know you aren't too fond of half-bloods as they have demon blood. If Aonung starts to cut off the name calling and bullying. We can be friends. Until then, I will continue to be strangers with him."

Ronal nodded and then asked, "What did the Sully's do for you to like them." I just responded, "They were different, I was curious. They are lovely people. They treat me as I am family." Tonowari then said, "You are a positive kid." I looked at him and laughed, "Not really. I just admire their family. You guys know I never really got to have a family. They are the best family I have ever seen. They are protective of each other and are willing to do whatever to protect each other. They never bullied anyone. They are just kind. Neytiri is the most protective one. Most cautious. Jake being in the army made him more of tough love. He doesn't know that sometimes he treats his kids as a squad." Tonowari nodded and smiled, "You really pay attention to this family." I nodded. It is kind of my side quest. Ronal then said, "You can leave, and I will talk to Aonung."

I got up and bowed. I then left to find Kiri. I saw her in the water with her head under the water. I smiled as I started to walk to her until I saw Aonung and his friends approached her and said something. I was still too far away to hear, so I picked up my pace. Then I heard one of them say, "He said, 'Are you a freak?' Hahaha." I heard the group laugh, and Kiri walked away. Until Aonung grabbed her arm. I ran to them and grabbed his arm, and glared at him. "Let. Go." He released his grip but continued to speak, "Awee did the freak need some help from her worthless friend." Lo'ak then came and said, "Leave them alone!" Aonung then started to pick on Lo'ak, too. Neteyam came and pushed Aonung away and said, "You heard them. Leave them alone. From now on, you all will respect them."

I felt his arms around my waist. It wasn't anything new, but I saw Aonung look in his eyes from cocky to mad or jealous. I hugged Neteyam, and he hugged back. I could just feel Aonung staring. I decided to get payback by kissing Neteyam's check. Neteyam got all flustered, freezing up. I chuckled and said, "Come on." Me and the Sully's kids started to walk until me and Lo'ak heard Aonung say, "Their whole family are freaks." Lo'ak turned around and went to them. Showing them his hand and then BOOM Aonung got punched and punched. We watched it happen. Kiri then looked at Neteyam, and he smiled and scratched his head before helping Lo'ak.

I felt like getting more payback for Kiri and her family. I joined in. Aonung and Neteyam were fighting. Lo'ak and a dude were fighting. Then, I was fighting against two dudes. One broke my necklace, which was my last thing from my mom and dad. I stopped moving for a little as I saw it come off. Kiri gasped. Lo'ak and Neteyam saw me frozen and then saw the necklace missing from my neck. Neteyam got off of Aonung and went and hugged me. He said, "Hey, hey, hey, look at me." I pushed him off, and death stared the dude that broke it. I started to attack him. Punching him so much and so hard. Neteyam and Lo'ak pulled me off, and I yelled, "I WILL KILL YOU!" I felt Neteyam hug me and put his hand on the back of my head, forcing it on his chest. I started to break down.

Kiri was picking up the necklace and loose pieces. Lo'ak was helping, and Neteyam was trying to calm me down. Jake, Neytiri, Ronal, Tonowari, and Tsireya all were there very soon. Same with some people from the clan when they heard me yell. Jake and Neytiri just started to yell but then saw Lo'ak and Kiri picking up necklace pieces and saw the string. Then, they looked at Neteyam and me. I was crying and yelling into Neteyam's chest. Jake and Neytiri ran to me and noticed a red mark on the back of my neck. Realizing the necklace Kiri and Lo'ak was picking up was mine. I just heard them gasp and start to try and reassure me. I broke away from Neteyam's arms and looked at Ronal and her family.

I only said, "Ronal, I will never...NEVER forgive your son...

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