The End..?

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Y/n POV:
I started thinking if Neteyam or Lo'ak was hit by one of the bullets... I had the urge to turn back and check, but I heard another scream. It wasn't coming from the Three Brother Rocks. It was coming from where me and Aketuan came from. I looked and then saw the Fire Tribe. I smiled but then remembered I needed to find Tuk and Kiri. I saw a glimpse of Kiri on the boat getting taken back. I swam to the boat as fast as I could and got on. I grabbed my bow and started to sneak. Killing whoever got in my way. I had 3 arrows left. Meanwhile, there were 9 more people plus Quaritch. I slid and shot one of the robot things that had someone in it. I decided to take down the mechanical ones. I used to last two, taking down the last of mechanical armored people.

I was then getting shot at until they stopped, and I heard Quaritch yell, "SO YOU WERE THERE! YOU ARE MRS.SULLY FRIEND!" I grit my teeth knowing Tuk and Kiri now know. He then continued, "COME OUT! JOIN US!" I could use that to get close to him and free the girls, but there are still 6 people. I guess he thought his offer was working since he continued, "COME JOIN IT WILL BE FUN! WE WILL BE A FAMILY! YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!" I guess Neytiri came and started to attack because I heard bodies fall and Quaritch go quiet. I looked over the container, but I saw Aketuan. My eyes widen. I had always had two bows, one is the best bow I ever made, and the one I am using is a gift from Eywa. I thought Aketuan how to use a bow during lessons a couple of times.

I came out of hiding and ran to Aketuan and put my back to his and said, "You shouldn't be here, Ake." Yeah, I was happy, but this is a dangerous war, and I would hate myself if he died, and I broke my promise to Varang and Ateyo. He responded with, "Why shouldn't I? My love is here." My heart stopped and sped up so fast. I then pulled him down, for we were hiding. I saw his face, and he was smirking. Where is his sweet, adorable, shy self. He is more brave and hot. I shook my head and said, "Cover me." He just nodded. He then started to shoot the bow, hitting 2 out of three people. He killed 4 of the people in total. If I was lying, I would be saying he isn't hot when fighting with a bow.

I started to run, and I attacked one of the guys, killing him with a strike to the neck. The last guy was about to shoot me. Aketuan got him. When I went to look at him. The whole Fire Tribe was there. I was surprised. Ateyo, the Olo'eyktan who wasn't fond of me, had said, "You are a part of this clan, and in this clan, we fight together." I was beyond belief. I nodded and then said, "I will need back up just in cause there is more. The rest can go help the injured back to land. Please." Ateyo then smiled, which was followed by everyone else. They all said, "Of course, Y/n." I don't know when, how, or why they all have come to risk their lives for me. I just nodded as some left, but Aketuan and his friends stayed. I knew them we all got along well. I move my head to tell them to follow. When they were close enough, I said, "Stay hidden. Only attack anyone who isn't the guy having hostages. If anything goes sideways with me. Do not let your feelings control you." I knew Aketuan disagreed with this when he frowned.

They got in place as I walked forward, where I saw Quaritch having a knife to Kiri. He let Tuk go, and she ran to me. I then said, "Hello." He then snickered and said, "Hello Sully's friend." I stared at him and said, "Soo, are you going to let her go or going to tell me what you want?" I saw his face turn too serious and said, "I want Jake Sully here. By himself." I then said, "How about a deal?" I guess that peaked his interest as he said, "What kind of deal?" I looked dead serious and said, "Let them go, and I will go with you. I will be a test subject." He smirked and said, "Really?" I wasn't, actually. I was waiting until Kiri and Tuk were away to attack to not give them any more trauma. I nodded. He was about to let Kiri go when Jake showed up. I cursed under my breath as I saw Quaritch go back to having the knife against Kiri's neck. Jake then looked at me, and his eyes widened. He said, "Y/n.." I rolled my eyes and said, "Jake." I had to be rude for Quaritch would take the deal.

That surprised Jake, but I saw his eyes widen. Tuk ran to Jake since he was her father. Quaritch then said to me, "Not a Sully family friend anymore?" I looked at him, "They only cause trouble and harm." I hissed. I felt so bad since Kiri and Tuk were there. I saw their eyes widen and tears come out. They couldn't say anything. Quaritch smirked and said, "Indeed. How about you join us and you can be the leader?" Jake's eyes widen and looked at me and said, "Y/n don't you fucking dare." I looked at him and said, "Showing your human side, eh?" I made sure he saw the sadness in my eyes. Before, I made them back to being serious. I needed him to know I didn't want this. I then continued, "Showing the side that is causing this pain! The Metkayina Clan lost a soul sister and her baby because of you, Jake!" I guess that confirmed enough for Quaritch as he said, "Come here with no weapons, and I will release her." I then walked to him after I dropped my weapons and to make sure he had a reason to release her. I said, "Live in fear for when we find you again. We will kill everyone you love, Jake." That made Quaritch smirk.

I could see the pain and betrayal in Tuk and Kiri's eyes. I got to Quaritch, and he released Kiri. She ran to Jake. I glance up to Aketuan and smile before switching to my evil side again. I looked at Quaritch and said, "I can already tell this will be fun." He nodded. I didn't see Jake, Tuk, and Kiri anymore, so I attacked Quaritch. The ship was sinking, and Aketuan and them were still there. I turned Quaritch away, for he didn't see them and yelled, "GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" I trust Aketuan's friends to get him out.

I got thrown to the ground by Quaritch as I could see his pissed expression. He then said, "They all will hate you, and you will die knowing they hate you."  I then smirked and said, "As long they are safe, I will be fine." I then punched him in his face as we rolled on the ground because of the ship sinking. We went under water. I know the water more than him, so I used it to my side. I continued to just punch his face u til he passed put. To that point, I couldn't hold my breath in any longer.

My lungs were burning as I passed out. I then saw Ewya, but it wasn't the same..

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