The New Clan

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No one's POV:
One really aggressive, but Y/n was allowed to stay.

When Y/n first arrived at the new island, new clan.

Y/n POV:
I had gone more south and found a dark island. It had a volcano and more land. I landed on the ground and got off of my Ikran. I then saw red skin with darker red eyes and avatars circle around me. The Olo'eyktan and Tsahik had come from the crowd speaking Na'vi and with an aggressive tone. "What are you doing here." Asked the Olo'eyktan. I just said, "May I stay here for a while?" The Tsahik hissed and walked to me and said, "We don't like outsiders. Especially different clan members." I looked at her and nodded, "I understand, but I am not in no clan anymore." This peeked her interest, so she asked, "Why not." I continued to hold eye contact as I spoke, "They all died." Her eyes widen. She then asked, "What happened to them.?" I said with a frustrated hint of tone, "Demons killed them." I heard the crowd murmur stuff.

The Olo'eyktan then spoke, "Y/C/N." I just nodded. I saw the Tsahik go to her mate. I then bowed and said, "My name is Y/n Y/l/n. The last survivor of Y/C/N. Nice to meet you, Varang and Ateyo." They were taken back of me knowing their name. Varang then said, "You can stay here." Ateyo then finished for her, "You will be taught by our son of our ways." I nodded and then said, "Thank you." The Ash Clan, Fire Tribe. Their son walked up to me and coldly said, "Follow me." I just nodded as we walked. He then said, "My name is Aketuan." (The photo at the top)

I responded with, "Y/n." It was so quiet. Me and him before weren't the conversation starter type, it seems like. We got to where I was staying, and it was made of lava rock. It was at the bottom of the volcano. Aketuan then said, "Here is where you will be staying. If you have any problems, come find me." I smiled and said, "Alright, thank you." He nodded and said, "Get comfortable, and then we will start." He just waited as I got some stuff unpacked.

I went to him and said, "Okay, I am ready." He nodded and started to climb the volcano. I followed him, slipping from time to time. He decided to go behind me, for I wouldn't die. We got like 1/3 of the way behind. I stopped and said, "It is getting a bit hot, and my arms and legs are starting to hurt." I heard him say, "Okay, let's go back down then." We started to go back down, but a rock wasn't stable and broke, making me lose stability. I tried to grab the volcano again, making my fingertips bleed. I then felt a hand on my waist, stopping me from falling. I blushed but then got my hands and feet back to stable rocks. He didn't say anything.

We got to the bottom, and I felt his hands gently grab mine, looking at my fingertips bleed. I smiled and said, "It's just a little bit of blood, nothing big." He then pulled my arm slightly, signing to me to follow. I did just that. He took me to the water where he cleaned hands. I was quite flustered, to say the least. He was so gentle and caring. He grabbed some wrap he had in his pants pockets and wrapped my fingers. He then gave me gloves. I hugged him and said, "Thank you." He froze up and got tensed up, so I pulled myself away and then said, "Sorry..." He just said, "You are forgiven. You will now learn about what we ride." I nodded and got up. He got up and started to face the volcano as he did the call. I then saw some kind of animal emerge from inside the volcano. It was made of lava rock with the lava trapped inside. The eyes lava colored. I then looked at him and said, "Won't it be too hot for me..?" He then thought before he told me, "We don't have anything for outsiders. All of us can handle the heat."

I looked at the animal and it came straight to me and I said, "You will burn me if you touch me." It rubbed against me, and I was surprised not burned. I looked at Aketuan, surprised, and his eyes widened a little before starting to think. I decided to try and get on, so I did and created the bond. I smiled and looked at Aketuan, "I did it!" He nodded and clapped. He called for his, and we went up the volcano riding our Miniris. I named mine Zetey since she is a beauty. Aketuan got more comfortable with me. We talked but only short conversations and on and off.

It was time for dinner, so we headed to dinner. I got my dinner and watched the sunset. Aketuan joined me. He then asked, "So why did you come her?" I sighed and said, "I was unwelcome at a different clan." He looked at me with his head tilted and asked, "Why? You are a very enjoyable person to be around and kind." I replied with, "I got into fights with the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik son and his friends because they kept bullying my family like friends. Then, I told Tsahik to get her son in check before he becomes the Olo'eyktan because his leadership skills are in a negative position." Aketuan then said, "You were being a good person, so you got killed out?" I nodded, then closed my eyes and rested my head on Aketuan's arm. His just stayed still not knowing what to do. I moved my head away, but then he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I looked at him, surprised.

He looked away, blushing, "Don't say anything." I just smiled and relaxed my head on his side. I fell asleep. I guess I crawled on his lap when I was sleeping to get more comfortable because when I woke up.

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