Y/n Got Caught TWICE

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Y/n POV:
when I woke up... I was on top of him, my head on his chest! I could hear his heartbeat, and then I felt him move. I quickly got off of him while being all flustered. Thank Ewya no one was awake yet. I picked him up, and he was a bit heavy since he was taller, so he weighs more. I walked to the build that was his and walked in, but then I heard someone clear their throat. I froze and slowly looked to the sound. I couldn't see well with the sun still being down, but with the moonlight I saw. Ateyo and Varang. Varang the Tsahik spoke, "Where were you and my son." I tried my best to stay calm and say, "We fell a-asleep when watching the eclipse." Whyyy did I stutter. Their aura is so strong and feels very protective. Ateyo the Olo'eyktan then said, "Is that so?" I nodded, and the Aketuan woke up. He rubbed his eyes and said, "What is all the noise about...?" I heard Varang speak, "Good morning, son, so nice of you to join us." I put Aketuan down on his feet as he quickly realized what was happening.

I decided to let him do the talking as he quickly started to explain what happened. "M-mom!? Dad!? I promise i-it isn't what it l-looks like. " I was looking at Varang and Ateyo to see if they believe him. In the end, after he explained, they just nodded, understanding what happened. I exhaled with relief until I heard Varang say to me, "Don't hurt my son." I nodded and said, "I would never Varang. I will protect him until I die or reconnect with my family." She nodded and said, "I don't just mean physically. Don't hurt him mentally or emotionally either." I was confused, so I asked, "How would I do that?" I heard her sigh and say, "Never mind. Just treat my son good." I nodded. Then her and Ateyo left.

I looked at Aketuan, and his cheeks were darker red. I went to him and said, "You should rest." I smiled. I know he is flustered, but he is a shy one. It's better to not be my flirty self with him. He nodded and hugged me before heading to bed. As I walked out and climbed down, I thought, "What if I go to Payakan! Lo'ak might be there." I nodded to myself before heading towards the water. I was riding Yukki to where Lo'ak said he met Payakan. I got there and saw Payakan, so I went to him and signed, "Hey Payakan."

He made a sound back, saying, "Hey!" I smiled and signed, "How have you and Lo'ak been?" He responded with, "I have been lonely, and Lo'ak is the same. He feels left out, a disappointment." I frowned and signed, "Do you know if he is meeting you today?" He responded, "I don't, sorry. I heard you got kicked out." I signed, "Yeah, long story, but it was worth it. I stay somewhere close, though. I probably have like an hour till I need to head back." I then heard, "Payakan!" Then Payakan made a happy sound saying, "Come, he will be so happy!" So I followed Payakan.

I saw Lo'ak and smiled. He went to Payakan, not even paying attention to his surroundings. So I said, "Wow, no, hey or how are you y/n." I rolled my eyes. I then looked at Lo'ak, who was surprised. He then hugged me, and I felt and heard him start to cry. He managed to say, "Thank God! You are okay, right!?" I patted his head and said, "Yeah, I am. I found a place more south to stay. Also, I can only hang out for 40, maybe 50 minutes." I saw Lo'ak nod really fast and say, "Come swim with me and Payakan!" I just agreed missing him and the rest.

Payakan swam, me and Lo'ak held on for like 30 minutes. Then we stopped and talked. Before I left, i said, "Hey, meet me here every day. Same time, and don't tell anyone about our meeting. It is out secret!" Lo'ak said, "Of course, Y/n."

No one's POV:
They kept doing that. The Sully's family kids, Metkayina kids, and the Fire Tribe head family started to get suspicious of Lo'ak, and Y/n disappearing for an hour or two. The fire Tribe never decided to follow Y/n. The Tsahik and Olo'eyktan were loathing her disappearance. Mean the Metkayina kids and Sully's kids who knew Lo'ak and Y/n when she stayed were too noisy. So, one week later when they met up again. The Metkayina's kids and Sully's kids followed.

Y/n POV:
I saw Lo'ak when he approached, and I hugged him like always. He then signed to Payakan, asking what happened. Payakan opened his mouth. Me and Lo'ak got off of his wing. Lo'ak looked at me and smiled, "He wants you to bond with him." Lo'ak eyes widen and laughed, "Go find out what happened." He nodded and went in.

No one's POV:
When Lo'ak arrived, the kids were behind him hiding, and all of them were dumbfounded. They saw Y/n and Payakan. The Sully's kids felt like they had just been betrayed. They thought Y/n would want to meet up with them and also trust them not to tell anyone. Aonung was happy to see her but soon remembered how they left off, making him upset. He was even more upset seeing Lo'ak and her having a secret meeting. Neteyam was about to go after Lo'ak when he went in, and the Tulkun mouth shut. Tsireya stopped him. They just watched. Until he came back out.

Y/n POV:
Lo'ak came back out and sat on Payakan's wing, so I sat next to him. Lo'ak started to apologize to the Tulkun about the memory. I then said, "Hey! How about a swim to cheer up. I mean, we always knew Payakan was nothing but a sweetheart." Lo'ak agreed, so did Payakan. I then said, "But wait. Lo'ak you should know what I want to know." I heard him sigh and say, "They are fineeeeee, Y/n.." I giggled and messed with his hair, "What about you?" He grabbed my wrist and said, "Stop messing with my hair, you skxáwng!" I laughed and put my arm down it being behind his neck. "Well, how have you been?" I heard him reply, "You know, getting in trouble, picked on, dad's scolding, being misunderstood." I heard someone take a deep inhale, and I looked over. I saw Neteyam... then Kiri, then Tuk, then Tsireya, then Rotxo, then Aonung.

Lo'ak looked over and saw them, too. I knew that because he yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!?"

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