Familiar Faces

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Y/n POV:
"N/N..?" I looked at them, surprised because I had only been called that by people who were close to me when my clan was still alive. I know who they are because they are the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik. I looked at Jake and Neytiri, and they looked at me confused. I then spoke up.

"How do you know that, name?" Ronal looked sad but also happy? Tonowari started to talk, changing the subject back to the original topic, "You guys can stay." Then he did his whole speech and such. After the crowd left and the Sully's started to walk. I was about to follow them when Tonowari spoke to me. "Y/n, let's talk tomorrow." I nodded before catching up to the Sully's. I was in the back with Aonung and his friend. His friend started to talk, "Hey, my name is Rotxo."

I looked at him and just said. "Y/n." I didn't like him or Aonung for making fun of the Sully's. He didn't try to continue to make a conversation, noticing my behavior. I wondered why he was trying to talk to me. I did kind of slapped his friend. Aonung asked me.

"How do my parents know you." I looked at him and just shrugged and said, "I don't know. I was surprised they knew that name." He looked at me and said, "The name is Aonung." I just nodded. We soon made it to the Sully's maruis. I bowed to Tsireya and said. "Thank you." I heard her giggle and say, "No need to be so formal, it was my pleasure!" I looked at Aonung and Rotxo once more and glared at them. Before all three of them walked away.

Jake called for a family meeting, I left before they could tell me to stay. I decided to go to the beach. I heard footsteps coming to me, so I put my guard up. Ready myself to move away and start fighting. I heard the person speak, "I am not going to hurt you, so relax." I knew that voice. I snapped my neck to the person and glared. "What do you want, Rotxo?" He sighed and asked if he could sit. I just nodded. He sat down and said. "I have questions."

I just said, "Ask and I might answer." He nodded and then asked. "Why do you care about the Sully's so much? You don't have all the same features as their clan, so you aren't with their clan." I looked at him and then looked at the sunset and sea. "You are observant, I will admit quite smart too. To answer your question, they are special. As you can see, they have skypeople blood but are caring. I know being here, their features are 'weird', 'useless'. However, if you guys went to live in the forest, it would be the opposite. You guys would be the 'weird', 'useless' ones."

I looked at him and he looked surprised and said. "That didn't answer my question fully but was very true." I sighed then said, "They took me in. They treated me as a family member. I am a close friend of their's. They saved me from being alone. They gave me the family love that I forgot about." I felt a tear go down my face. I felt someone watching and soon heard footsteps. The guy soon spoke. "Never knew you would be a crybaby." It was Aonung.

I looked at him and glared. He then said, "What did I hit a nerve? I know I hit a nerve with that fre-" I ran to him and punched him and said. "The hell were you saying?" Aonung started to speak and said, "That your dear friends are frea-" I kicked him. I felt so much anger. Soon, Tsireya saw us and got Ronal and Tonowari. The Sully's heard the commotion and then went to it. Neytiri and Jake yelled, "Y/N!" They ran to me and pulled me away from Aonung. Ronal and Tonowari ran to Aonung to see how badly I hurt him.

Jake spoke to them, "I am so sorry about her actions. I don't know what got into her." I just rolled my eyes. I heard Ronal say, "Y/n, why did you beat up Aonung." I was shocked. Usually, parents don't want the person who beat up their kids' side of the story. I told them what had happened. I can see the Sully's kids smile as Neytiri and Jake didn't show it, but they were proud. Ronal then said to Aonung, "You are going to get punished. For now, let's go get you patched up. Y/n, you are forgiven, and I am sorry for my son's words."

I now wonder even more.. who am I to this woman, and why does she believe me so easily. I just said, "It is fine and for the trouble I caused. I will patch him up as a thank you for forgiving me." Ronal looked at Tonowari, and he nodded. Ronal then said, "Follow me." We went their maruis.

I started to put medicine on his wounds as he hissed from pain. I spoke, "Ronal. Who am I to you?" She looked down and said, "Why do you ask?" I had finished putting the medicine on Aonung and said, "You believe me. You ask for my side of the story for beating up your son. You knew that name." I started to wrap the bandage around Aonung's wounds. I saw him tense up when my hand would wrap the bandage, and it touched his abs lightly. I continued to speak to Ronal and glared. "Who are you to me." She just sighed and said, "I was close friends with your mother. We were like sisters, and we would joke about you dating my son."

I was surprised and looked at her. "Me date this ignorant brat!?" I heard Ronal laugh. Aonung joined the conversation, "I wouldn't mind a feisty, protecting girlfriend." I could just tell he was smirking. I knew he was joking, so I joked back by whispering on his neck, "Would you be able to handle me?" Then I went back to sitting behind him finishing the wrap. I stood up and started to walk out but looked back and saw Aonung flustered. I chuckled and then said, "It was nice to meet you again, Ronal, then, and who knows if that joke you had with my mom would stay a joke." I smirked and then fully left.

When I was clearly away, I started to laugh. I saw Rotxo and went to him. "You should go back home. It is getting late." I started to walk to Sully's maruis when I heard Rotxo tell me the plans for tomorrow. I just said okay back, and we went our separate ways.

I made it back to the Sully's maruis, and they all hugged me. They were drowning me in thank you's and questions. So, for about an hour, we talked. I told them about my relationship to Ronal and such. Then they went to bed. I couldn't sleep, so I went out of the maruis and star glazed. No one was awake. I needed to contact Eywa. I didn't like talking to Eywa in the open even if no one was awake. I don't want any intrusion to me and Eywa's conversation. I looked behind me and decided to go up the hill.

I then started to talk to Eywa and told Eywa what had happened. I always need to update Eywa with daily reports of stuff that was important and just some side stuff. Eywa, of course, had people contact her at the trees and such. However, it was night, and Eywa didn't sleep, so when I couldn't sleep, me and Eywa just stayed up and talked. Eywa is in my mind, so we communicate by my thinking and Eywa responding because Eywa became a part of me when I became Eywa's helper. I got fully to the top and climbed a tree to watch the stars. For the rest of the night, me and Eywa just talked. When the sun rises, we say our goodbyes. Then I head back down. When I got down, people were already up and doing their part.

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