A Physical Accident?

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Y/n POV:
...doing their part. When I got fully down, I noticed Aonung, Rotxo, and Tsireya heading towards the Sully's Maruis. I just followed behind them since I was with the Sully's. They had woke up the Sully's kids. I just stayed quiet until I heard Lo'ak ask in a concerned tone, "Where is Y/n..?" Then Kiri, "Maybe she is already awake." She didn't sound believable. I could tell they were freaking out. I then said, "I am right here." I looked inside and saw Aonung get flustered again.

Has he really never been teased before. He is the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan's son. Oldest child, and he is supposed to find a mate soon if I am correct since he is the future Olo'eyktan. Girls usually try to get that spot, so why is he so flustered with such small teasing. I got brought out of my thoughts when I felt Tuk hug my legs. I patted her head and said, "Good morning, short stack." She replied, "Good morning, Y/n!"

I looked up and said, "Good morning, Kiri, Lo'ak, and Teyyyy." I saw Neteyam's eyes widen as I never called him that. I smiled and said, "That's my nickname for you!" Neteyam then said, "Good morning, n/n/n" (n/n/n=new nickname because n/n is the one that was only used by close people to your family when they were alive.) I just smiled and then heard Lo'ak and Kiri say, "Goodmorning, Y/n." Then I heard Aonung mumble something, so I looked at him and asked, "Problem?". Everyone's attention went to Aonung as he shook his head and said, "No."

Rotxo, Aonung, and Tsireya all jumped into the water. Soon followed me, and the Sully's kids jumped in. We all swam together for a little. Having to wait for the Sully's kids. Even though I live in the forest. I still had gone into the sea. I knew how to breathe, swim, sign, ride. Kiri had wondered away from the group. I soon did the same. I always was in the danger sea, out beyond the riff. So, being relaxed and watching the sea life was calming and beautiful. The animals all started to come to me, and I only thought that it was Eywa's doing. I may only hold the role of Eywa's helper. But Eywa takes care of me as if we were family, Eywa always does what I want, and Eywa always cheers me up when I am upset or even just adding to my happiness. I know Eywa is family to everyone's heart who lives on Pandora. However, it is different, Eywa makes the same relationship to everyone. But I got a different kind.

I went up for air after a little while. I saw the sea life scattered back to natural things. I was confused, but then I saw Aonung coming up. I just glared at him. I still didn't like him. He just rolled his eyes and said, "The Sully's kids are freaking out about yours, and Kiri's disappears. And you guys are going to learn how to ride." I saw him smirk a little when he said the last part. I knew why. Ilu's are hard to ride at first. I just nodded, I followed him to the spot. We got there, and Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Tuk all hugged me.

I hugged back and said, "I am fine, I was just admiring the sea life." After they released me from the hug, Aonung did a call for Ilu's. Then, he said, "These are Ilu's. If you want to live here, you need to ride." Lo'ak went to try first and lost control. I heard Aonung and Rotxo laugh. Tsireya is trying to hide her giggles. Neteyam smirk. I just shook my head in disagreement on how Lo'ak's first try went. Tuk was laughing. Lo'ak came back and got all the teasing. Neteyam was next, and he was too confident about being better than Lo'ak because he did the same thing. It was just a repeat of Lo'ak. Just Lo'ak is the one smirking now.

It was now my turn. Aonung was telling me to get on, and I just glared at him and then called for my Ilu. Most Ilu's are different shades of blue and cyan. Mine was white with some design of blue. Everyone looked shocked at both the colors, and I had one already. I got on and rode beautifully because I know I am beautiful and my Ilu is gorgeous. I came back and said to Aonung, "What? Was hoping I would fail?" I laughed. He asked, "How do you have one already, and how do you know how to ride!?" I just responded, "Being in hiding was boring, so I went down and to the sea. I was swimming and practicing breathing when Yuuki my Ilu swam up to me. From then there on, she had always helped me with knowledge of the Sea." Tsireya said, "That is quite impressive. No knowledge and having a rare Ilu willing, wanting to bond." I felt like I was being praised.

It boosted my confidence up. Tsireya showed Tuk, her Ilu. It was a baby since Tuk is younger than us. We then went to practice breathing after lunch break. Tsireya put her hands on Lo'ak's chest and stomach to help navigate what he was doing wrong. Lo'ak just got flustered, and his heart picked up. Aonung, Rotxo, and Neteyam all looked at each other and knew what was happening. Rotxo and Neteyam chuckled a little. However, I saw Aonung staring at Lo'ak as if he was going to kill him.

I was sitting next to him, so I told him, "Focus on your breathing." I then put my hands on his stomach. I felt his abs and my other on his chest. Copying Tsireya. I then felt his heart pick up. Even though it is normal for them, I did do it randomly. I said, "Your heart is going too fast." I could just tell Rotxo was shocked, and I felt Neteyam and Lo'ak glaring at Aonung. I heard Tsireya giggle and say, "Aonung, you are supposed to be teaching them." I looked at her and said, "I guess the teacher needs to be teached." I looked at Aonung's face, and he had his face turned.

I removed my hands and said, "You need to slow your heart to be able to breathe properly." I heard Rotxo laughing. Kiri and Tsireya giggles. Aonung glared at Rotxo to be quiet. Rotxo stopped. Neteyam said, "Y/n." So I turned and saw a very pissed off Neteyam, and then I looked at Lo'ak. I realized I was fucked but I acted clueless and said, "Yeah?" Lo'ak spoke for Neteyam and said, "We need to talk." Neteyam continued for Lo'ak, "Now." I saw them get up and walk away. I looked at the group and said, "See you guys later, and Kiri help me." Kiri went with me. Mostly because she wanted to watch. I ran after Lo'ak and Neteyam yelling, "I'M SORRYYYY!" Kiri was just laughing as she followed.

Aonung POV:
I felt her hands remove from my skin. As I thought about how I was so flustered over her touch. I heard Neteyam say, "Y/n." It sounded very serious. I wonder if he is jealous. I then heard her respond with, "Yeah?" The freak then said, "We need to talk." Are they BOTH JEALOUS!? I thought that freak like my sister. Neteyam then said, "Now." It was like they both didn't care that they both might be jealous. I saw her look back at us and say, "See you guys later, and Kiri help me." Have this happened before? After her and the other freak left, I heard her yell, "I'M SORRYYYY!" Did she know they liked her? I have so many questions. Me and Rotxo had left, too.

Y/n POV:
I was sitting down getting scolded by Lo'ak and Neteyam about how I need to keep my hands to myself and not to get physical with guys. They have always been protective of me. Most people think we are together with how much I tease them and call them hot or act like a simp. I just can't deny the fact that my friends are totally hotties. They always get flustered which is cute. I then heard Neteyam say, "Are you even listening!?" I looked at him and said, "Yeah, yeah. Same lecture about how I shouldn't physically touch a guy unless it is to fight or defend myself."

Neteyam sighed and said, "What were you thinking." I thought he was talking about right now, so I just said, "About how you and Lo'ak are hot." Of course they got flustered they weren't ready for that kind of response. Neteyam then stutters, "N-no you s-skxáwng when y-you touched Aonung!" I could see Neteyam and Lo'ak blushing from what I said. I laughed and said, "He was glaring as if he was going to kill Lo'ak because Tsireya had her hands on Lo'ak. So I did the same to embarrass him." Sooner or later, they had given up. I always win. I decided to go swimming so I called for my Ilu. Me and her went exploring and found a cave. I went in and saw Aonung. I was going to leave since it was already discovered by him but I heard his voice. "Stay." I was debating to stay or not, but I did.

I was sitting away from him, and I lay down. I heard him ask, "Do you and those brothers have something going on?" I laughed and said, "Lo'ak likes your sister a lot. And they are my friends." Then he asked, "Why did they get jealous then?" I looked at him and said, "They weren't jealous. They are very protective of me and their family." I then sat up but soon felt my back on the ground again. Aonung pinned me down. I must say it was hot, but I don't really like the idea of me being submissive. I also am not the type to just get straight into a serious love relationship thing. When I just met the person. I then said, "I think I should go." I heard Aonung say, "I'm sorry. I-I don't know why I just did that." I smirked at him and said, "I know I am hot and fabulous, but there was no need to get all wild up for me." I heard him stutter trying to deny that it wasn't like that. He was flustered.

I just said, "Yeah, rightttttt." Dragging the t showing I didn't believe him. I then left. I got back, and it was dinner. I actually was above to sleep. In my dream, which is more just my mind space. I was telling Eywa what happened today, and Eywa told me about an outcast Tulkun. I then woke up.

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