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"Ganga has given! She is your Guru Gaibinat's daughter. He is working somewhere. He did not want to leave his daughter alone, so he left her with us. She will stay with us for a few days," said Narahari's mother. "Okay no problem.".

Narahari said. "Mom ! Iam so hungry.""Wait a minute". Their mother said.

After a while, Narahari sat down. Ganga and and Narahari 's mother pour the curries in the banana leaf in front of him. Narahari started eating. Then his father came home.

"Did you start again?" Narahari's father said. "Do you want me to come here or not, father." Narahari said. Dinanath said, " this is not right, you are staying in Pandharpur, it is Vittal's place. You are next to his temple. At least go to that temple sometime."

"Dad! You know I don't worship any other god except Lord Shiva. And it is very crowded there at this time. That Vittal has a lot of devotees and they disturb me a lot. That's why I come here at this time. If you scold me again while I'm eating , I'll stop coming here."

"Don't think that I am talking in the middle of your conversation, Dinanath ji, who is your favourite god?" Ganga asked.

"Krishna," replied Dinanath. "And how do you do to show your devotion to that god?" Ganga asked.

"I will chant God's name, perform sacrifices." Dinanath said.

And, if I ask you to stop, will you stop doing that?. "Ganga asked.

" I will not !"Dinanath said,

" Then why should your son stop? Dinanath ji. If you have a way of showing devotion, he will also have his own way. Who are we to stop, my father said, time will show everything just wait." Said Ganga.

"Say like that, Ganga ji, at least he will understand if guests says it". Said Narahari.

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