4 - Chapter

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After listening to him Narahari said that he won't make waistband for Vitthal as he was a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva.

Govinda pleaded Narahari very much. But Narahari did not listen. Then Govinda said to listen his story and then take a decision.

Govinda started to say his story.

He was a rich merchant from Bombay . But he was childless. The priest of a temple said him to meet Panduranga Vitthal in Pandharpur.
So he came to Pandharpur and said that he will donate a waistband to Vitthal if his dream of becoming a father would be fulfilled. He prayed and went away.

After somedays , Govinda was blessed with a child. As he promised Govinda wanted to donate a waistband to Vitthal. So he enquired for the best goldsmith in the town. So that brought him to Narahari. Narahari After listening to him still not convinced. Then Govinda pleaded him a lot. Finally , Narahari agreed to him for a condition that as he had a vow he would not enter into the temple of Vithoba . Narahari asked Govinda to bring the measurements to him . Govinda happily agreed to his condition.

The next day, Govinda brought the measurements.

Accordingly,  in a week Narahari made a waistband.

The following day, Govinda came to take the waistband from Narahari and thanked Narahari and gave a bag full of gold coins for his work.

Narahari took the coins. Govinda was fully satisfied.  He then went to the temple of Vithoba to put the waistband around the idol of Vithoba.

While Govinda tried to put the waistband around Vitthal,  he Realized that the waistband was 2 inches less than the measurements.  So the waistband became unfit to be placed around Vithoba.

Immediately , Govinda ran to Narahari and said that the length of waistband was less than the correct measurements.

Narahari asked whether the measurements are correct or not.

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