22: Plotting

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Your vision was blurred. All the daylight had faded away and you could no longer remember where you were. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your lungs were crying for air as you panted heavily, although you could not recall having run from anywhere. You couldn’t make out the outlined figures in front of you making their way toward you while you backed up slowly. Their tall forms moved so quickly that they appeared with a murky shadow-like essence that trailed behind them. You could only make out several pairs of beady little silvery eyes as they forced you and trapped you in a corner.

Remember us?” They hissed collectively, your body pressed against a solid wall behind you with no way out. “We’re coming to find you again…

You clenched your eyes shut and flinched, preparing for the worst.

Then with a sharp intake of air, you suddenly jolted awake.

Your eyes snapped open to, thankfully, take in the familiar sight of Pitch’s bedchamber back at the lair. You lay on your side still under the heavy covers. To make sure this was reality and not part of the dream, you quickly sat yourself up against the pillows and headboard and had a quick look around to scan your surroundings. Nothing abnormal appeared to you, not even the fact that you were alone. As much as Pitch made a point of needing to keep an eye on you, you knew there was still more for him to do. It wasn’t like he slept every night like you did anyway. However, he must have sensed any previous sliver of fear from your awakening because that’s when the doors parted open for him to step in the room’s entryway.

“Everything alright?” He questioned, expression furrowed. At first, you weren’t sure how to reply - namely because the first thing that popped in your head was the uncertainty of whether or not that was your Pitch looking back at you. The familiar crinkle in the brow gave it away quickly. Yup. That was Pitch.

“Yeah…” you croaked. You cleared your throat. Perhaps you had gotten to know him well enough now that you could tell him apart from copycat fearlings just by body language. “Weird dream.”

He hummed, then pushed the doors open a bit further for him to enter the rest of the way. “I take it they’re expecting you today again?”

You paused to recall yesterday’s agreement at North’s. “Right,” you shook your head to get back in the right thinking space, “yeah.”

He didn’t argue this time, tolerating that there was no point. “Remember your sword,” he remarked. He then began to turn away with a final glance over his shoulder at you before he would allow you the space to change. You looked down at your nightly attire of a black nightshirt partly tucked beneath the silky covers before narrowing your eyes at the Nightmare King.

“Are you seriously gonna make me carry that thing with me everywhere I go?”

An ecliptic glare struck you like daggers once more from the dark beyond the bedroom’s entryway. You could tell he was frowning even though you couldn’t see it. “Do you actually believe I won’t?”

No. You win this one.

He didn’t need you to answer. A light chuckle through his nose was heard as he shut the bedchamber’s doors behind him to lend you privacy.

After flipping the covers off of you and making your way over to the wardrobe where you had recently stashed a few more outfits, you decide to pick out something a bit more in tune with where you were. A fitted long-sleeved top tucked under ripped jeans paired with ankle-high boots, all in black, seemed to do the trick. As for the sword situation though, that was going to be the hard part. You didn’t exactly have an easy way of carrying yours consistently at the moment unless Pitch conjured up one of his other tricks from his sleeve. You certainly were not for keeping it in hand as if you were ready to swing it at every point of the day. While standing at the wardrobe with your hands on your hips, you pondered the choice of either caving in and going with it or making your exit without it and potentially enduring a short lecture at the end of the day upon your return.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now