5: Closer

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Feel free to make as many horseback riding/bedroom jokes as your heart desires. Also, I really want to know: are my chapters reasonable lengths? Are they too long? Not long enough? I know this one is longer than what the last have been.

He arrived at your flat that weekend a short while after you had awoken in the afternoon with just enough time to scarf down a simple brunch. The glowing sun shown through your apartment window, casting streams of light onto your furniture. The days leading up to this one hadn't been much easier being that you could no longer keep your mind off of him. He was just so mysterious, and yet because of that, so fascinating. At first, your plans for today were to deny his offer once more until you at last got him to back off and fade into disappearance as he had before, but this time for forever. Though, no matter how much you weren't all for the idea of going someplace you've never heard of with him, the rest of you decided that you wouldn't feel mentally settled until you knew more from him. Hopefully today you'd be getting the answers to most - if not all - of your questions for him. 

You stood cross-armed in your kitchen with your stomach now mostly satisfied, leaning against the counter when he appeared from out of the darkness on the other side of the room. You didn't think that his ability to sink in and out of the shadows would phase you as much this time compared to the last, however, the widening of your eyes proved you wrong when it seemed that it was more than just him entering your apartment through practical nothingness.

The King of Nightmares casually led another figure past the shadows beside him by what appeared to be reins. Your jaw dropped at the sight of them approaching before you, and you could not back away further into your countertop while he and the other creature inched in your direction. Pitch flashed you a pleased smirk when he took his eyes off of the beast at his side and landed his vision on you. The two of them stopped a few meters away from you to allow you to get introduced to...whatever that thing was.

It was unlike any being you've seen from passing by ranches out on the countryside or read of in George Orwell's Animal Farm. It stood on four hooves, yes, and had the general shape of a horse, but instead of fur, its body was coated in a glittery material - similar to what you had seen wielded by Pitch the last time he was in your presence. Its mane and tail flowed freely as if it was surrounded by a continuous breeze even though there wasn't a single draft nearby. Its eyes were like two glowing amber suns, and it seemed to toss its head excitedly with a snicker when spotting you. You also could have sworn its teeth were pointed like its masters.

"You look as if you've seen a ghost, darling," Pitch spoke humorously. "Never seen me in broad daylight before?"

You, still gawking in astonishment, lifted a hand from being crossed at your chest to point a finger at the creature beside him. "What is that?" You asked him as calmly as you could. The spirit chuckled as he switched the reins he held in his other hand to allow him to stroke the shoulder of the beast.

"She's a nightmare," he confirmed. "One in her true form."

You lowered your hand and shut your mouth, slowly nodding. You pursed your lips while watching Pitch caress the creature some more, exchanging glances between you and it - er - her. "...There's a horse in my kitchen," you whispered to yourself to pull together your disbelief. Pitch shot you a glance with a raised brow to remind you of what he had just said. Deciding to ignore your shock, he took his hand away from the mare and extended it toward you, ushering you to step forward.

"Come," he encouraged softly, "come close..."

His words made you flash back to when you had last dreamed of him. With daring curiosity and not much of a choice to back out, you decided to slowly push yourself away from your counter and began cautiously making your way toward him and the mare. "There's a horse...in my kitchen," you repeated to yourself under your breath while taking small steps. Pitch, though not all that amused by your comments, continued gesturing you toward him.

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