7: Complications

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*Silently reassuring myself that I'm doing just fine and my storyline isn't going too slow or too fast*

You sat at the edge of the fabric of a crimson couch in a massive seemingly living room. You had your hands folded in your lap, your right leg nervously bouncing against your opposite touching knee. Four other voices spoke, plus a soft glittering sound here and there, out of the five figures there were in the other nearby room behind the space you were in - one belonging to Toothiana, and three male voices belonging to those who you don't believe you have ever met. They were all slightly muffled behind the door to where they were, but you could still make out most of what they were saying by listening closely in silence with one ear tilted in their direction.

"Do ya really think it's her, mate?" One accented voice spoke. "Who we think it is? After all these years?"

"Da, it be long time, but I do sense something is off," a second much heavier voice replied.

"Crikey, don't tell me...the belly again?"

"Uh, guys?" The feminity of this voice was recognized by you to be Tooth's. "Keep in mind that it was only a suggestion. Like I said, this could all be a coincidence and a huge misunderstanding."

"I'm still not quite getting what this is all about," the fourth and final voice pitched in - a male's - slightly less mature than the others' and seemingly even close to your age. "Like, this doesn't explain how a full-grown adult is able to see us. I mean - I'm not really against it...but...okay...who is it you guys are talking about again?"

"Ah...woman long before your time, Jack." 

Jack. You remembered the name spoken by the Russian-accented tongue from earlier's brief introduction. When you were brought here about fifteen minutes ago, the tooth fairy quickly rushed the four new other beings in front of you for a short meet n' greet that barely lasted a minute due to her haste quirkiness and her constant state of fluttering in a hurry. You had gotten little word in for them because of your doe-eyed dumbfounded stare in the reaction of the new, but also somewhat not new, surroundings. You didn't even get much of a good look at them. According to your memory though, the four figures beside Toothiana consisted of an elder male on the more heavyset side - but filled with cheer, a muscly long-eared animalistic figure covered in steel-colored fur that seemed to be a rabbit close to Pitch's height (if not a kangaroo, considering the Aussie tongue), a shorter male who spoke no words but was kind enough to smile and wave while seemingly robed in a glittery gold sandy substance that you noticed was oddly similar to Pitch's magic, and lastly, the laid-back silver-haired teen with the cozy blue sweater. Jack. Out of all of their names other than Tooth's, he was the only one you remembered. Jack. The boy with the deep ocean eyes like glaciers below Arctic waters, and a smile like frosted pearls.

You had shaken away your thoughts after they left you to yourself while they headed into the other room for a private meeting. Back to business. You had to find a way to get out of there soon. But...where even was here?   

Back when you were still at the palace, you had thought Tooth was just going to sit you down with her in her corridors to start a chat with you about how you got where you were at the time. Instead, she had guided you off into the depths of the glistening palace for her to whip out a glass snowglobe-like sphere that sparkled its internal contents when shaken. The next thing you knew, she was leading you into a blinding bright portal that would take you someplace else away from her home, and no matter how skeptical you were, you were reluctant from seeming rude or threatening, so you silently obliged. You had already ridden upon a mare of sand in the sky with the King of Nightmares, so it wasn't like this was that major of a surprise. The only thing that wracked your nerves though was the quickly lost sight of Pitch and the uncertainty of how or even when you would return to your campus. 

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