27: Starcrossed

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The shallow waters of Iceland’s edge splashed beneath your mare’s hooves as you and Pitch rode steadily into the shade of the overhead cave. You pulled an extra loose inch of reins into your closed hands over the creature’s neck. The gentle stream that flowed in front of you led you and him through the rocky pathway under the dark cover of the cavern. Sounds of trickling water past the rushing stream that swished with the mares’ trot echoed within the earthy walls. Your nostrils filled with the scent of damp stone like dust after rain. Your pupils took a moment to adjust to the darkness while entering the wide cavern, but you were quick to pick up on the reflections from the outside sky pouring in to shine upon the stream. You stayed close to Pitch while he remained ahead of you to guide you the rest of the way toward your next destination. The faint light at the nearing end of the cave grew brighter as you and the Nightmare King neared it on the backs of your noble companions.

Your final evening as a mortal being before nightfall was to be enjoyed, not ignored. Twenty-three years in the making, it could be considered long awaited. This day a year ago was a time for introductions, and this day was a time for acknowledging the past to embrace the new beginnings of the future ahead. An evening ride at dusk into nightfall helped take away any nerves from anxiousness. This would be one of many trips to come.

The two of you edged closer toward the end of the cave until the dim light from the newly set sun glistened upon the sands of your mares. Pitch brought Onyx to a halt for you to bring Obsidian up beside him and take a pause to gaze out past the cavern’s exit. Your eyes softened at the sight of the place that you had not before known existed. Being that he did not tell you prior to leaving the lair this evening where he was taking you, this was a new surprise.

“Where are we?” You asked.

“I’m not typically the type to indulge in these sorts of activities,” he remarked. “But since you are…”

You were overlooking a vast empty beach unlike almost any other. It would have seemed comparable to a normal one at first glance such as where other humans usually enjoy on warm July weekends. However not only was it lacking them, but the sands that the seawater licked were of a heavy deep shade that optimistic people would consider negative. No ounce of the lingering fiery sunlight lowering behind the deeper waters in the far off distance could brighten them. Alongside the cavern where you two looked out from were giant walls of rigid rocky matter stacked to the cliffs. The scent of salt was quick to hit your nostrils. You inhaled it deeply with the sharp wind that rushed in your face and pulled back all loose hairs that hung by your sight.

Pitch brought his mare forward a step in the corner of your vision. “Reynisfjara,” he informed you. “Known for its black sands.” He turned his head in your direction to catch you staring in amazement. “Are you ready?”

Your smile rose into a grin. You both then motioned for your mares to continue forward, stepping down from the rocky stream of the cave and walking over the damp sands in the wide open space. Eventually, you both were riding close to the cold water’s edge until you were alongside it. The black sands forming the mares’ beastly forms mingled with the ocean-painted sand below their hooves. Their walking pace splashed into the shallow saltwater spray and kicked up small droplets of the ice cold water onto you. You kept at the surface end of the tide while riding along the line between land and sea, continuing up the empty beach while taking in the sights for as long as you liked. That’s when you soon dismounted to walk amongst the sea foam yourself.

* * *

Footprints were pressed into the damp earth as you walked. The grainy obsidian particles beneath your weight sunk in only to be washed away by the cool saltwater tide. You held your shoes in your left hand by your fingertips so they swung freely while you strolled, making a light tapping sound whenever they clicked together. Your bare toes curled with delight into the silky dark substance at your feet, imprinting deeply at every step even when the nearby water crashed against your ankles. The locks of your (h/c) hair wisped by your cheeks, chilled from the misty breeze, and flew freely from your face and neck in bunches of strands. Your right hand was occupied by the linked elbow from the spirit at your side.

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