32: Wondering

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Where to first?” Pitch’s voice rang through your memory. A smile crept up your lips with what was the desire for a surprise.


Last month’s adventures played through your mind on a loop as you ran a brush through your hair through the day’s tangles. You held the strands of your locks out from your cheek while sifting through each layer in preparation for a good night’s sleep. As you were lost in the reflection of your own stare in the bathroom mirror, you hummed to yourself along with the daydream of revolving around the stratosphere that replayed in your head. To think it was only a few weeks ago that you were tracing the borders of the planet’s atmosphere between touching stars and looking down Earth’s continents upon Pitch’s galleon. Your days in the lair ever since then were that of pure bliss and had never been better.

That first November week after becoming married consisted of your journeys to and from the skies before your return home to resume further explorations by foot and by horseback. You could still feel the cool structure of the galleon under your back when you lay upon the center of the main deck to stare up at the nearer constellations surrounding you when drifting in circles through the upper layers of your planet’s atmosphere without straying too far into the vacuum of space. With the newly repaired ship still in its early months of test drives, not even its own layers of oxygen supply could be put to risk just yet. Still, your travels were far enough out of this world to satisfy far beyond expectations and to leave you in your daydreams about it a month later.

It all stirred past your eyes, unblurred and still as vibrant as yesterday. A dive down to Sanderson’s island was a necessity after a lighthearted argument over which mythical creatures and which were not, and meeting mermaids for the first time became a bonus to an already improvised honeymoon. Rides on the mares that turned to races through forests, cliff sides, and shores of dark sand by the ocean’s side became almost daily and sometimes nightly as well. The topping to it all was when you first laid eyes upon the addition of the image of your face gazing back at you from inside the silver locket that hung around the Nightmare King’s neck. He had held it out for you to see, and it continues to rest upon his chest now more often than ever over his cloakings rather than when it goes into hiding under the layers.

You could still feel the touch of his palm holding the side of your face nearly every chance he had as well. Each memory of daft gray fingers stroking down your unclothed flesh sent chills down your vertebrae where the pink lines from pale claws stood out from the tone of your skin. Your legs felt empty without him between them. You could carve out the perfect resting place where you already sensed his missing form along your inner thighs where that lithe waist seemed to belong. The sheets of the bedding within the main cabin of the galleon during your travels with him differed greatly from the silk of your kingdom’s bedchamber (but then again, so did the floorboards of the main deck as well as the control panel and captain’s desk). Covers wrinkled rather than slid each time you had it within the tight grip of your fists. The way he touched you every time had you falling apart like snow melting to pieces. You had yet to determine whether the main course or the fall of the afterglow where the two of you fell asleep in one another’s arms, soaking up sensations and tangled in sheets, was the best part.

The two of you had barely taken your hands off of one another when you were not too busy venturing around the continents through the night. Quite a few of your destinations including the ship itself made worthy enough spots for fooling around with no one else around having the ability to see either of you now. Outdoor meadows under the wide open midnight sky lit by the white of the full moon were just as daring settings for a bold round or two, as was an evening returned to the shoreline of a certain Icelandic beach. Then again, few spaces compared to your designated places within the echoing chamber of the lair’s throne room when the mares were away.

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