29: Chills

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The freshly polished wood flooring of the workshop’s globe room made light taps beneath your boots. A second set of steps followed close behind you, belonging to the tall spirit cloaked in black. Days had passed into the next month, which unexpectedly resulted in you being called upon by certain other spirits for a quick word based on the current season’s circumstances. Granted, having your significant other gathered in the same room with the Guardians for the first time in several months would pose an opportunity to announce a piece or two of updated news of your recent arrangements.

“Pitch,” the pooka greeted bitterly with a glare as he was the first to separate from his group to come toward you and the Nightmare King. “So glad to have you join us for once.”

“A pleasure as always,” Pitch replied with the same unenthusiastic tone of voice. You gave the two of them disapproving glances as they sneered at one another. That’s when another voice made you snap your head up in search of the source before you could break up a potential fight.


You swung around and spotted the figure of blue and white fast approaching in the air. “Jack?”

“How’s it been?” He came to a stop in front of you, setting himself down onto the floor from a hover to a stand while catching his breath. He looked as though he had not seen you in months when you had actually been keeping up with your regular visits at the workshop every week or two. It was Pitch who had not shown his face to the area in a time longer than you. When you opened your mouth to respond, he held up an index finger in front of you. “Wait…something’s different.”

You shut your mouth and watched with a funny look as the winter spirit studied you up and down.

“Yup, something’s definitely changed about you, lemme guess…”

With a giggle at the way the boy brought a hand to his chin, you glanced back over to Pitch at your side. “You think he can tell?”

The taller being tilted his head for a moment with consideration, knowing neither of you had yet to share with anyone outside the lair word of your previous engagement. “They say children know these things.”

With the drop of your jaw at his humor, you shove an elbow into his side at which he huffed and was actually holding back a chuckle. You covered your mouth with your palm to hide your smile and quiet your already choked-back laughter. You did not pay attention to how the others watched the way you and the King of Nightmares were snickering together. Jack turned over his shoulder to see the rest of the Guardians at the scene before facing you again, this time dropping the playful persona.

“No but seriously, am I missing something?” He asked, expression growing puzzled.

“Listen up!” Bunny announced, silencing you and bringing the attention in the room to him. He hopped to the center of the space to stand between you, Pitch, and the Guardians so he could speak to all at once. “You’re all here for one reason today, and that’s the reality that Easter is next weekend.”

At your right, Pitch let out a sigh under his breath, eyes rolling toward the ceiling in instant boredom.

“And I want everyone to keep their eyes peeled,” the rabbit continued, casting another stare at the spirit beside you. “Because unlike the last time Pitch had any sort of involvement, I’d prefer not to have any vermin destroying my eggs.”

Tooth’s wings fluttered to bring her higher in the air across the room from you to scold her friend. “Bunny!”

You were about to jump in also at Pitch’s defense, taking a breath to add onto Tooth’s exclamation. However, out of the corner of your eye, a flicker of a shadow zipping past the entryway to the living quarters caught your attention. You turned your head toward where you thought you saw the small dark figure to make sure it was not simply your imagination. The open door space to the living quarters appeared bright and welcoming as always, but a sudden turning within the pit of your stomach told you otherwise about what may lie beyond the light of the burning fireplace.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now