3: Impossible

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The Nightmare King sighed in frustration within the depths of his lair, pacing back and forth in front of his hollow metallic globe. He had his hands clasped behind his back as he eyed the scattered specks of glistening amber light that tinted the dark silvery metal gold. A few flickered at his presence but failed to burn out. He shook his head and continued in his repetitive tracks, the lower hem of his thick cloak dragging heavily behind his heels.

"It's not her," he grumbled over the faint clomping of his combat boots. "It's impossible."

Onyx watched him from a few yards away at the bottom step of the platform on which the globe stood. "Sire," she spoke with the soothing voice her feminine form gifted her with. "All the sources point to her. There's no one else she can be."

"She looks nothing like her!" Pitch scoffed, pausing for a moment before going back to pacing. The girl sighed, her shoulders dropping.

"The mares have been searching for almost as long as you have and -"

"You haven't searched nearly half as long as I have," the king snapped, stopping his movements again to stare the girl down with raged eyes burning into her soul. She closed her own eyes to take a deep breath while standing corrected.

"What I meant was that after all this time, now that we have pinpointed someone, we should at least look more into her to see," she reassured. She watched her master's jaw clench as he lowered his gaze to the side. "Because we are still unsure..." she went on. A silent moment filled the area that was quiet enough to hear the aged metal chains of the above cages creak in their dusty state after years of emptiness. Onyx eventually cleared her throat to break the quiet. "...It's...suspected that...the moon...may have something to do with her appearance," she suggested. "And why she's different."

Pitch eyed her again, lifting a brow. The girl shrugged her thin shoulders.

"Your majesty, all I imply is that we - you - at least go back to her and attempt something different to gain her attention. To gain a closer look at her." She raised her brows encouragingly. "She was able to see you in her dream, must I remind?"

The Nightmare King lowered his hands from behind him to his sides. "Dreams are different from reality, and I was in control," he argued in irritation.

"Well, if the moon truly does have something to do with her as the other mares infer, it would explain why she's proved difficult to find within the past centuries," Onyx mentioned again. Pitch rolled his eyes.

"If the moon has anything to do with her, I will find my way back up there and have him by his plump little throat," he growled, making the girl before him smirk at his ambition.

"So you'll go back to her then?" Onyx questioned, maintaining her devious yet proud expression. Her master let out another sigh before shutting his eyes in defeat.

"Fine," he answered lowly. "We return to her quarters in three days."

The girl watched him as he, at last, stepped away from the globe and made his way down the platform to reach where she stood. He stopped a foot away from her, their identical eyes meeting.

"For now, we have other pressing matters to put our attention to." The king then lifted a hand in front of her, his sleeve draping loosely by his wrist. He pressed his slender fingertips upon the girl's forehead. She closed her eyes as the sharpness of his nails grazed past her hairline, causing her to shiver before her humane form began to shift into its original dark sands. The glittery substance steadily swirled away from her skin and circled her until it mended together once more, but this time in the figure of a four-legged beast with a flowing mane and tail like waterfalls of ink.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now