4: Unrecognizable

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He was a creature like those that appear only in novels of myths or films of legends. The way the fur-lined hem of his heavy black robes sunk past the darkness to glide flawlessly across your creaking wood floor astounded even the shadows he cast and made them swirl by his feet like domesticated pets. The dull clomp of his leathery boots that laced up mid-calf could draw the attention of any equine expert. He stood towering at incredible height - certainly well over six feet. His thick raven hair was slicked back almost into spikes like the jagged razor-sharp teeth that were hidden behind his pleased smirk. His eyes glowed hypnotically like rings of striking sun-tinted starlight that was beyond any astrological knowledge you had. The last detail you picked out from his appearance that at least flickered a lightbulb in your brain was the pale ashen shade of his flesh, showing no evidence of a heart sending blood rushing through any veins beneath, spread to the tips of his fingers where sharpened nails stood.

"You..." you whispered under your breath in both horror and astonishment.

"That's right, darling," the male replied proudly. "I'm back."

Your mouth hung open, but no words could escape. You began to wonder if you had consumed something in the unusual earlier that day and it was causing you to hallucinate. You hadn't drunk anything that would be registered as toxic, and really the only meals you had eaten consisted of cereal or soup. Or maybe your past of messing around with friends and a ouija board had officially caught up to you and this was the demon you had summoned from the depths of Hell that would pry your soul from your body and rip it apart with its monstrous teeth and sharp jaw. You blinked. "You were in my dream," you remarked, regarding the familiarity of his skeletal hands.

"Correct," he admitted shamelessly. "That, and many instances before."

You furrowed your brows at this. "What do you mean?" You pressed. The male's expression fell into perplexion as well.

"(Y/n)," his tone lowered sternly. "It's me."

You shook your head, narrowing your eyes. "How do you know my name?" You questioned. "What are you?"

The creature took a step forward to try to get closer to you, but this caused you to step back, the backs of your calves bumping your desk chair behind you. His expression shifted again, looking almost...hurt. "You don't remember?" He murmured with what sounded like worry. You shook your head again.

"What do I have to remember of you other than you being in my dream the other night?"

The male closed his eyes, turning his head in disappointment that coated frustration. "I should have known," he muttered to himself. You stared with uncertainty, waiting to see if he would choose to leave or make some other move.

"I'm not quite sure I follow," you noted in confusion. At this, he let out a sigh and balled his fists at his sides to suffocate his regret.

"I've been looking for someone," he explained. "Clearly you're not her." Just then, he began to turn away. However, your further curiosities were sparked and you reached your hand out to gesture him to pause from taking his exit.

"Wait!" You exclaimed. He stopped to meet eyes with you again. "I don't even know who you are..."

He looked down before showing the tiniest of smiles and turning back to face you once more. "Call me Pitch," he spoke in a more collected manner. "Pitch Black. Most may refer to me as the reason why they don't dangle their limbs off the edges of their beds."

You lifted a brow.

"The monster that lurks beneath..."

Ah. You slowly nodded. "Boogeyman," you confirmed. He seemed slightly unamused at the title.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now