48: Run

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You stirred uncomfortably at the accented echo of your name. The afternoon daylight streamed into the tiny openings above the lair to help raise you from your slumber. Your dreamless state of rest was fading away.

“Darling, wake up…”

The pang of deep ache within your lower half hit you from earlier, causing you to groan through your awakening. You had not forgotten - not after hours of rest - but you wished to have forgotten the pain. You tensed in your laying position on the bed as you curled in on yourself under the covers in an attempt to ease some of the soreness. If only the voice at your side trying to wake you had been part of a dream.

“(Y/n), we have to go.”

The alarm in Pitch’s voice made you crack your eyes open past your grogginess. You lay on your side on the bedding in your chambers where you remained after last night. You must have slept for at least ten hours. Your blurred vision that was clouded with exhaustion caught sight of the fractured image of the Nightmare King kneeling at the edge of the mattress to your right. The fragment of his frenzy seeped through the split remainder of how he held himself together.

“We have to get out of here now, wake up,” he urged to you again more clearly now.

“Hm…?” You signaled to him your consciousness with the knitting together of your brows in confusion. You wished you had been still half asleep.

“They’ve found us,” he warned. “They know where you are and they know Ravanna is here.”

Your blood ran cold, your breathing stopping momentarily. You were fully awake now.

“They must have sensed her overnight,” he continued. “The Guardians are holding them off but not for long. We must leave now. I’m getting you out of here.”

You did not have time to get any words in before Pitch was taking your hands in one of his and guiding you up into a sitting position. You let out a soft grunt from the pain as you slowly sat upright, which guided the burning soreness of your abdomen lower with the pressure of your shifting weight. Your face scrunched up as you winced at the aches of what was supposed to be the start of your healing process. Your breath hitched before you let out an exhale between pursed lips. When your face relaxed, you reopened your eyes and peered around the bedchamber. That’s when your vision landed on the King of Nightmares holding your sleeping daughter in his arms as he stood at your side.

“There’s another ambush,” he explained sternly. “And this time they have spared nothing. All of them - each and every one of them - are attacking at once. And you and I both know that they can only be here for one thing.”

You lowered your eyes to Ravanna’s resting state. She was wrapped in looser blankets that spilled over Pitch’s cloakings this time, which had the potential to be pulled up to drape over her like a veil to hide her. Your heart sunk lower in your chest. It was then that the nightmares that had plagued you for the last several months to prepare you for this moment were now coming true.

You could not see any fearlings in your current state within the bedchamber as you searched around to scan your surroundings. Were they inside the lair? If the rest of the Guardians were fighting them off, you envisioned the creatures surrounding the treeline of the forestry and making attempts to break past the others in order to get inside your dwelling. No one knew how much time you had to get as far as possible from them. They had waited for the moment your child arrived into the world to strike when each of you were most vulnerable. You had only given birth less than twelve hours ago - let alone stood on your own two feet half a day ago. It seemed now that you were suddenly minutes away from discovering the hard way what these beasts of shadow truly want.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now