Chapter 1

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I jolt awake, heart feeling like it is attempting to beat out of my chest and I pant for much needed breaths as I desperately take in my surroundings. I am in my room, in my apartment. It was just a dream. Rubbing my wrists that still slightly ache with the dream, I close my eyes gently and sigh with relief. It had felt so real, almost like a memory. Maybe I am still emotionally exhausted from the events of last night. From which I urgently need distraction. As my sort of friend Ana is working at reception, and Charlie isn't supposed to be in today, I have no friendly distraction. Oh my god, self-pitying period is over, my work shift starts in...I glance at the clock and curse. Thirty-five minutes. Not that my work is time pressured, I can pretty much turn up when I want to.

I can't believe I am actually looking forward to going to work, but anything is better than remembering last night. I have cried too many hopeless tears already. It's time to get on with my life.

I yawn and change into jeans and a t-shirt paired with a cute jacket because the weather – for once – looks pleasant. See? If that's not a sign that today will be a great day, I don't know what is. I finish packing my bag for the day, but it is mainly filled with preciously old books that I need to return as I finished the last project yesterday.

As soon as I step outside my small apartment, lightning flashes and I freeze as torrential rain soaks me instantly. Really? I thought the forecast wasn't supposed to be rain. It was literally sunny two seconds ago. Though, it is England, so rain is a given. Instead of bundling into a taxi, I run the ten blocks to the Ashmolean, there is no way I am spending twenty pounds. Although, I am now more water than human and a quick glance in a pub window tells me I resemble a water rat or some sort of monster, which is lovely. I especially like the black mascara smudges from last night. I pull the heavy doors open, eager to escape the infuriatingly icy rain, and hold them open for an elderly woman going outside. I gaze at her brightly coloured umbrella, groaning. Perhaps I need to invest in one. Or a better coat. I sweep into the library, show my card to Ana at reception with the intention of escaping before I can be questioned; but as my luck has been all morning, she catches me.

"Miss Archer? Why are you here? I thought you'd at least take a day off." Damn. Time to avoid discussion, pretend nothing out of the ordinary has happened. I shrug off my jacket, sending a tidal wave of rainwater sloshing to the floor around my soaked shoes. Oops.

"Why would I?" Okay, tone was calm – she will not think anything is wrong.

"Well...we heard about what happened last night." I blink. Well alright then. How has it managed to spread to my work already? Perhaps it is some divine sign that I am doomed to think about it over and over and over again? With no escape. So much for my brilliant day.

Last night. Date night.

The layered buzz of conversation surrounded us, and everything gleamed with elegance as if painted there at the tip of an artist's masterful brush. Soft music flowed from the fingers of the pianist in the centre of the room, playing a gentle melody. I felt relaxed for the first time in a while, I had been pulling all-nighters to put together a mosaic with my colleges – a splendid depiction of the fight of Achilles and Hektor from the Iliad. We had finished it this morning, so this dinner was both a celebration and a chance to see Ben for a date night. We hadn't had one in ages as wedding preparations took up the majority of our free time. I couldn't wait till the big day, being able to call him my husband...I was so excited.

"Wedding planning has been absolutely crazy! I know you hate discussing it during date night, but I really need your opinion on the cake. Wouldn't want you not liking it, it is your wedding too," I attempted a joke because I could see that he wasn't his usual self, he didn't smile though. I moved on, "Should we get a three-tiered or a five-tiered? Chocolate or vanilla, ganache? I'm thinking we do a combina-" I drifted off at his forlorn look. There was definitely something up. Concern creased my brow. I hope nothing came up at his work. Oh no, what if he had been fired? If he was fired, and I made him go to a celebration dinner for my job, oh no! How could I be so heartless?

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