Chapter 10

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As soon as we stepped into the room, Apollo basically collapsed against me. I managed to catch him, but he wasn't exactly a feather. How much did he weigh? Ugh what a drama queen. If he started taking my warmth again or whatever I was going to drop his ass on the cold marble floor.

"So, this is the one," A voice mused.

I looked up to see the goddess who was clearly Nyx.

She had the beauty of the other gods, but was somehow darker, more regal and powerful. More dangerous. She was dressed for war, her armour so black I was sure it was sucking out all the light in the room. She lounged on her throne, leaning against her spear, her helmet hanging from the arm of her throne. She smiled coldly at us, her lips the only part of her that had a touch of colour. A deep blood red. Her raven hair was crowned with an aureole of obsidian mists.

Her entire figure was so dark I could barely tell the difference between her hair and her skin, and her eyes. I forced myself to look at them. They were pure black but held a chilling quality that sent shivers down my spine. And I knew it wasn't Apollo taking my heat.

Beautiful ebony wings folded lazily behind her and her very power made me shudder. I felt a spark of worry for the Sun God. If she was affecting me this much, how was he? He looked bad, skin grey and forehead beaded with sweat. The hand he was using to hold himself upright on me was clammy.

I awkwardly bowed while making sure Apollo didn't faceplant.

"Uh, Lady Nyx." Her aura felt different to that of Zeus, it was a different kind of felt older somehow, ancient.

"You managed to get through my riddles," She was amused, "Impressive, despite your...ah, interesting answers. Perhaps you are clever for your kind, or perhaps the heroes of old were just exceptionally stupid." She spoke slowly, articulating each word as if tasting it in her mouth beforehand.

"And how are you faring, Lord Apollo?" Her tone was sickeningly sweet. She placed emphasis on Lord, a flicker of delight flamed in those dark orbs as she observed his pitiful situation.

"Amazing." He grinned to show off his pearly teeth, but it looked more like a grimace.

"Quite brave of you to come here. What is it you desire?" She swirled her finger and a string of darkness followed it round like a whirlpool.

I glanced at Apollo and we had a silent conversation.

What is she going to do?

How should I know?

Because you're seven-thousand years old and a literal god?

I have never spoken to Nyx before.

You're so useless.

Excuse me? His facial expression was hilarious. Man, I was loving Athena's confidence. If this was what gods felt like all the time, no wonder Apollo was such an egotistical jerk.

"Are you responsible for messing with fate and sending Adelaide Archer back in time?" Right, straight for the balls then Apollo. The goddess blinked.

"What?" Her confusion was stark on her face.

"Are you responsible-"

She waved her hand, "I heard you the first time. What do you mean, is someone messing with fate?"

"So, it's not you." Apollo sighed, probably annoyed that he had to waste his time coming down here. Disappointment weighed heavily on my heart. There went our only lead.

"Do you have any advice or help you can give us?" I stumbled through my improvised pitch.

"Maybe I could, maybe I couldn't." Nyx smiled leisurely, teeth a slash of white amidst the darkness.

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