Chapter 2 Dazed

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Chapter 2  


I look at Janessa for confirmation and she stares back at me.

" He is beyond sexy" she gasps. Having no words to say i just nod. I look back at him while he talks to Mr. Johnson & my heart pulls. He takes a seat in the front row and we continue with class.

The bell rings and i gather my stuff. "Ms. Allen may i talk to you?" Mr. Johnson says. I look up and the boy i still there.

"Yes, sir what can i do for you?" I say trying to smile. At the sound of my voice the boy stiffens. Or maybe thats just me?

" Seeing that you have the highest average in this class..." He says.

*oh please let him not say what i think he's about to say* i plead

"i would like you to help catch Mr. Keis up with the rest of the class." I shut my eyes in defeat. I open them again with the biggest smile i can manage

" Id be glad to Mr.Johnson." I say

"Great. Extra credit points are worth it. " he replies winking at me.

The boy looks up at me while i walk over to him. *Just don't make eye contact it'll be okay* i tell myself. "Hi, I'm Mia. Nice to meet you." I say outstretching my hand

" Amaru, Pleasure to meet you too." He says taking my hand. His voice almost causes my knees to go weak and his touch... I cant even describe. We stare for a moment until i realize how awkward this is. I drop my hand.

"So do you know where your next class is?" I ask weakly. I clear my throat. " i can help you around campus?" I say stronger this time.

He chuckles "Yeah, id like that." With a smile that could blind the sun. I blush. Yes black people can blush, you just cant see it as well!

"So what's your next class?"

He grabs his schedule. "Uhm, English with Mrs. Sketch?" He reads

 "Hmm, oh cool thats right across the hall from me. Sucks for you." I smile.

He looks up, his eyes catch me off guard n i stop breathing. " Why does it suck?" He asks raising an eyebrow. I take a moment to regain my composure.

" Oh, um cuz s-shes a really difficult-t um teacher" i stutter *what is wrong with you?! Get it together Mia. Hes just another student.* i scold myself.  

"Im sure i can manage." He says packing the rest of his things. "Ready?" He says heading towards the door. "Mhm!" I reply  

We walk over to the next building in silence. As i reach the classroom he starts to stare. "Thanks." He says finally.

I look up purposefully avoiding his eyes. "Sure. No problem."

"Is Mr. Reeds class far?"

*Crap thats my next class too, hopefully he has a different time.* " Not at all its down that hallway and around the corner. what time do you go?" i say silently pleading he doesn't say 2:45.

" Uhm 2:45."

*Damn! Ughhh whyyyyyyy i this happening to me?! just be cool Mia be cool* "Same time as me. How about i meet you in the lunch room and show you routes to all your classes?"

"Sounds great." He says "Thanks again!"

"Anytime!". We go our separate ways to class and i feel like i can finally breath.

Let me know what you think so far!! Thanks

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