Chapter 3 Questions

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Chapter 3  


I fall asleep in Creative Writing... Soon wishing that i hadn't.

Screams fill the dark room. "Mia! Help!! Help me please!!" Pleads Will.

The man with the scar is holding him with a knife to his side. "Let him go!" I demand

"of course love." Says the man "but first i want a kiss."

"What are you crazy?! I don't know you!" I yell.

"Ah my dear you still have not caught on. Nonetheless either you kiss me or your friend here dies excruciatingly slow" i look at Wills face full if fear and pain.

" Fine, but let him go first." "How do i know you wont try to run?" He grins.

I walk up to him and stand almost touching him. "Because now you can easily grab me if i try." I say trying to be strong. He pushes Will to the ground, grabs my hair and kisses me roughly. It burns like dry ice on flesh. I scream and back away clutching my face. My lips are bleeding. He laughs loudly and walks away.

I wake up in a cold sweat and grab my face. No bloody lips good. But my tongue hurts. I realize i bit my tongue in my sleep and now its bleeding. I spit out the blood into a napkin. "Mr. Harp than i go tho the nurse ?" I say sounding like i have a terrible lisp.

"Ooh that looks painful. Yes go ahead. Homework's on the board make sure you right it down." I finish writing it down an head out of the class room. The nurse put sum nasty tasting stuff on to dull the pain and hands me an ice pack.

I realize its almost time to meet Amaru at the lunch room and rush over. I see him talking to Janessa and shes laughing that I'm flirting laugh. I feel a wave of resentment. She laughs and touches his arm.

*why am i feeling so jealous. He's not mine i just met him! Jeeze Mia* i walk over to them.

"So do you need help getting to your classes? I'm sure i can make time" Janessa flirts.

"Actually i was just about to do that Nessa." I say harsher than i intended. His eyes flash and he smiles.

"Oh i see. Well i you ever need anything here's my number." She says as he writes it on his schedule. "See you in Cal. Mia" she scowls.

He chuckles " So you ready to go?"

"Whats so funny?" I say walking out the cafeteria door.

"You and your facial expressions." He says.

I look up and cant help feel butterflies. I shake it off. "Oh whatever. Lets go" trying not to smile.

"So, where are you coming from" i ask trying to strike up conversation.

"MSU. I needed some heat in my life and I've always liked this school" he laughs. His laugh is like wind chimes in a summer breeze. I have a mini heart attack at the sound of his laugh. I must have panicked cuz his face quickly becomes etched with concern.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks quickly

"Me? Yeah I'm fine. Uhm so how do you like your classes so far" i say trying to stabilize my voice. Still looking worried he slowly replies.

"There okay i guess. I like Cal. So far."

"Oh yeah about that when are you available so i can catch you up on those notes & things:" i ask

"Anytime you want me." He says with a smug grin on his face.

I quickly look away trying not to smile. "Cool how about tomorrow night?" I say trying to be serious.

" Like i said.." he says staring me down "Anytime you want me."

I almost collapsed at that moment instead i decided to fake sneeze n control my breathing. *Beauty knows no bounds haha* my head snaps up and i stare at him for a brief moment quickly brushing it off.

His face goes rigid when i look at him so i just continue walking. After that our conversation goes stiff. Dumb questions and brief answers.

After showing him around to the rest of his classes we head back over to Mr. Reeds class.

"So what do you like to draw?" He asks.

" Mostly nature. I love to sit down by a lake with my sketchbook n just draw but uhm i draw people too. What about you?"

" Mostly stuff that deals with sound and music. Some nature too im improving on that and my people"

"Well Mr. Reed is definitely the right teacher for you" i say nudging his arm. I felt like i was melting from his touch and on fire all at the same time.  

He looks at me making my stomach feel like the butterflies were ready to escape. I looked away pretending that i saw something more interesting.

"Thanks for being so nice to me" he says. I laugh loudly and he looks shocked. "Whats so funny?"

"Trust me i am not the only one who wants to be nice to u" air quotes around nice.

"What do you mean?" He says dumbfounded.

I shake my head. "Didn't you notice how many stares you were getting or how Janessa was basically throwing herself at you??" I say a tad bit hostile.

He smirks " Are you jealous?"

" Who me?"i say looking around " Not at all i mean i just met you" i say not fully believing it.

His face falls "yea right."

We walk into class and he takes the empty seat across the room without his presence i felt cold.

Toward the end of class Mr. Reed took my painting i had been working on for a week now and dragged me to the front of the class. *oh no* i think.

" attention class!" Bellows Mr.Reed " Ive been watching Mia create this for the past week i thought it would be nice for her to show it off and explain its meaning."

"Well okay." I say reluctantly taking the picture. As soon as i flipped the picture around Amaru's face flushed with shock and then something that looked like fear or anger maybe? "Uh i started this piece sometime last week and i don't really know why it kinda just happened. It looks familiar to me like somewhere vague kinda like a dream but i captured it as best i could.... I put myself here in the middle because it kinda felt homey" I awkwardly chuckled.

The picture was of the forest in my dreams i didn't put the burning house in the background because i just thought that was a little to intense. Im laying in the middle of it all on the ground with my hair falling slightly over my face. The colors i used were dark yet strong and vivid. Everyone lightly applauded and then resumed class as if nothing ever happened but through the rest of class i felt Amaru's eyes burning into my back.

I started to pack up early just so i could get out of class before Amaru approached me. As if he knew my plan he came and sat next to me for the last few minutes not saying anything. I looked up at him and he definitely looked mad.

"What?" I asked.

"You lied to me." He said glaring at me. Is it bad that even though he was glaring at me i was extremely turned on. His gaze was just so... Mmmmm!

"Wait what? How did i lie to you?" I say snapping back into reality.

"You said you didn't know me." My heart started racing.

"I don't i just met you" i whispered.

He looked confused. He looked at the picture and then back at me. "Have you been here?" He said motioning to the picture. I paused not sure if i can tell him the truth.

"In my dreams.... with a-a burning house in the background i- i just didn't draw it" i say stuttering.

His eyes go wide. He leans into me so close i can feel his breath on my face. I shiver biting my lip to keep from tearing into him like i want. He closes his eyes. *Tell me you know please just tell me you remember*

i jump back falling out of my chair and hit my head on the desk. I look up at him his eyes strained with pain. *Did he just?* i think in awe. I reach up and touch my head realizing theirs blood. I faint on the spot.

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