Chapter 1 Waking Up

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Chapter 1

Waking Up

"Mia wake up!! We gotta make it down to breakfast!" Yells my roomate.

"Okay! Im coming!! ... Buttt do we really have to go? Its just breakfast" i mumble

"Just breakfast my ass!" She laughs "lets go!!!"

"Ughh okay" i say slowly dragging myself out of bed for dramatic affect. She throws a pillow at me. I glare at my best friend and head to the bathroom.

Sorry i dint introduce myself I'm Mia,22 and a Music Major at JSU, my roommate is Amandra she 23 majoring in journalism and has been my best friend since elementary school n just happened to get accepted to the same school :) we just arrange it so we became roommates.

"Heyyyy uhh Mia can i borrow that black tank top? Yu know the one with the sparkly stuff on it?" She asks through the door.

"Yeah sure thanks for asking even though i know you already have it on" i reply.

"You dont know that.." She mumbles "thanks anyway!". I finish up getting ready an head down to the hall with her.

"Well looky here shes out of bed!" Says my obnoxious friend Roikell.

Now Roikell is that friend that annoys the shi- i mean crap out of you but you cant ever imagine not having them around. Light skin, pretty hazel eyes and an okay body i guess.

"shut up Roikell" we say in unison.

"Well I'm guessing you two aren't in the best of moods" says Will.

Will is our rich friend. Unbelievably cute and very sweet. He doesn't flaunt his money, he's just cool. Ive always had a crush on him i met him in 1st grade. We fell off for about 5 years after i moved but just picked back up where we left off.

"Naw Roikell is just being.... Roikell i guess" i say.

"Hey whats that supposed to mean" he says with a pouty face.

"It means your a douche" says Mandy.

We sit and joke around or a little while more before splitting off to class. Will walks with me like he usually does standing close enough to make me shiver.. In a good way.

"So whats goin on beautiful?" I chuckle

"Beautiful? Me?" He laughs "Nothing just ready for spring break im glad my dad is letting me use the beach house."

"Dude me too!!" I squeal "Crap im almost late gotta go"

"yeah yeah whatever see you later yeah?" He says brushing my cheek.

"Yeah see ya!" I say jogging away.

I walk to my class n take a seat. "God i hate this class" says Janessa sitting next to me.

" You barely stay awake" i laugh

" well duh thats cuz of how much i hate it!" She laughs putting her head on the desk.

Though shes lazy Janessa is smart. We both hate Calculus but were passing with A's. Well in her case a B+. Writing notes in cal. takes a toll on you so i begin to zone out. My head begins to spin and images of my dreams flash.

"Ms.Allen whats the answer?" Mr. Johnson says to me. i snap back into the class and analyze the question. *Crap* i think. Then theirs a loud knock on the door. All heads snap up just in case it someone important.

"That was a close one." Janessa chuckles. I laugh & In he walks.

My heart skips at least 2 beats and my head begins to throb. He's gorgeous. Tall, dark and handsome does not describe him. He glances around the classroom and then he spots me. We lock eyes and his expression goes blank. I quickly look away but his eyes seem etched into my brain... Those carmel eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Well tell me what you think!!! Leave comments and criticism. Be nice please if you don't like it just let me know in a kind Way not all douchebaggy like thanks!!! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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