Chapter 9

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I walk over to Amaru's dorm room and knock on the door, i know hes here so he better answer.

He answers the door with a facial expression that could break a heart, but i cant show that. "Whats going on with Mia? I know she's keeping secrets and you probably know what they're about so you need to let me know."

"What do you mean?" he asks shocked

"THIS! Don't act dumb shit has been off the walls since you showed up." I say handing him the paper pushing my way into the room.

I watch him read the paper and his eyes go black, his face scrunches up into what looks like a combination of realization and pure hatred. I can feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Who is that?" i ask quietly

He runs his hand over his face. "Someone from our past... Someone who still hasn't gotten the memo that they're not wanted."

"Our past? You've known her all of 2 weeks from what Ive heard." I say getting slightly angry

"You know about her past... or what she remembers of it. I thought if you saw me you'd remember but it seems like you don't either."

"What are you talking about what does this have to do with me?!"

"Its hard to explain."


"It just is....Will I'm sorry with how we started out. I realize how much you care for her, i feel the same."

"You don't know how i feel for her and you dont feel the same. You cant feel the same, it takes years to build up that kind of love and trust." I growl

He mumbles something like 'try centuries' but that makes no sense. "Whatever man, ill be civil if you just stop doing whatever your doing to her to make her change so much. She was doing fine without you. She stopped drinking, she would talk to us when she was upset, she stopped hurting herself everything was fine..."

"Until i came.... W-What do you mean hurting herself" He says in a whisper

"Mia was a cutter for years shes been fine for about 2 years now but she has impulses i haven't seen anything so I'm guessing its not that bad but i hated seeing her like that and i don't want her to go back." i say sighing "Do you know where she went she just left a little while ago.."

I look up and he is no longer facing me his back is rising and falling but i can see him shaking. He wiped his face and looks at me. His eyes are slightly red and they are glistening with unshed tears "She went to see her mother....When she gets back i need to talk to her one more time and then i promise ill be out of the way. I wont hurt y'all or her anymore. I don't want to see her like that either, it would kill me"

I'm shocked. I don't speak i just nod.

He really loves her...


I wake up with a pounding headache and slowly drag myself to the bathroom. i stare at myself in the mirror i know my past now but why don't i feel any different. I grab my bag and unpack placing my razor in the shower. i it on hot and step in sitting in the chair we had installed into the wall. I let the water burn my skin melting away every piece of rejection and guilt but its not enough. I grab my razor placing it along my forearm and drag it across ever so slowly. The pain is subtle yet evident and i feel release. the water washes away the blood leaving only a trace. i repeat the process over and over across my legs and arms til i am contempt and let the water lull me to sleep.

I don't know how long after but i wake up from the cold water now dripping over my body. I reach for the nob wincing in pain and turn it off. After gaining enough strength i drag myself back to my bed and let the tears fall. My phone starts vibrating from underneath my pillow and i hesitate wondering who it is and what they want but also thinking of who its not. i let it go to voice-mail. There's a ping indicating whoever it was left a message. I press one for my voice-mail speedial and wait

'"Hey Mia.. its David. I'm sorry about last night. I was so shocked and sad i didn't know how to react.. i want to see you, waaaait that sound weird.. uhmmm Do you think we could meet up sometime? I'm flying in sometime this week for work, i think Thursday? , maybe we could... hang out? yeah hang out. i know its been like 6 hours and we don't know each other yet but I Love You. Call me back when you can... Bye."

*Shit he wants to meet . Should i call him back? Duh Mia how else would you get the info. Ugh should i wait i wonder if he's at work.. hmmm crap*

I pick up the phone ready to call him back when there's a knock at the front door. My mom left for work earlier this morning. I throw on some sweats and a long sleeve t-shirt and run to open the door, my legs still stinging. I swing the door open managing the best smile i can despite my pain and there he is.

"Hi" i breath

"Hey.." he smiles back

Authors Note: Hey guys i know its short but i want to upload at least twice a week now so yeah. 90 reads!! I'm happy thanks for it guys. WARNING: they're might be some racy scenes in the next few chapters soooooo yeah. Some really sad stuff too.

This chapter is kinds personal for me because i used to be a cutter. Please guys if you ever need someone to talk too message me ill be here.

Love and Music guys

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