Chapter 11

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The shock sets in but the anger weighs in most

"What do you mean it wasn't a fucking accident!" I say as calmly as i can manage

"Watch your mouth Mia" my mom states

"No i wont watch my mouth! How dare you sit here and lie to me!!!! For how long?! You just told me i knew everything and then you come out with this shit!! I cant believe you.... " I scream " And Will? How could you... You knew what that did to me and yet you kept your mouth shut. I hate you both right now. You've got about 30 seconds to explain to me why this wasn't an accident and WHAT that has to do with my brother!!"

They look everywhere but me, my mom playing with her hair and clothes and Will cracking his knuckles and messing with his fingers.

"Look at me!" I scream slamming my hand on the table

Their heads shoot up and look at me with fright

"Mia in sorry i just..."

"Will i don't want your damn apology

that means nothing to me. What. Happened."

He sighs "you know i loved your dad he was like my dad and your mom used to always say that they'd be my in-laws one day..."

"Funny. Wont be happening now will it? We're not going down memory lane. I want the truth and i want it now." I say getting angrier by the minute "I've given way more than 30 seconds. I want answers."

"Ok. Fine. After we adopted you we kept in touch with your brother... Someone had adopted him first and usually they want you to adopt in couples for siblings but you were in the hospital i didn't find out about him until it was too late. When we brought you home we started getting threats about keeping you in the house and warnings about things to come... They wanted us to hand you over in exchange for our safety. The parents, you know my friends, were getting the same threats with David so they moved to Cali.... We didn't have the money to move so we just took precautions.... One night someone threw a rock in your window with a note on it to you. It was a beautiful rock but you were sleeping with us. Your window was open that night so thats how it got in but we didn't see it till the next morning." She explains. She walks over to the same exact drawer where she got the newspaper and my dads gift to me and pull out a tiny bag and hands it to me. "I cant read it and cant touch it. It burned my finger and the words made no sense to me or your father."

I open the bag and quickly touch the rock just in case but its not hot... It is turquoise and dark blue with purple swirls. I pick up the note and read it.

"Fate is inevitable. Love conquers all. This time for me you'll fall. Deprived for centuries. Defeated for years. Pleas for your love fall to deaf ears. Awaken all your fears in a count of 13 years. True love defies all. I hold the truth......"

I read aloud. Will leans over to grab the paper but it bursts into flame leaving nothing behind.

I leave the rock in the bag not yet wanting to touch it.

"How old was i when this came..."


"13 years later i was 19..."

"The year your father died... The police say that your fathers car was totaled and of course blood everywhere but no one in the other car no traces of blood or injury and the car only had a scratch down the left side..... Something wasn't right and literally exactly 13 minutes after the cops left i was in the middle of packing stuff so you and I could go to the hospital i found a note on the widow seal next to your fathers side of the bed. It said Love reigns in the afterlife It was time. I dropped the note on the ground and it slid under the bed when i got down to get it it was gone..."

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