Senatorial Corruption

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New Republic Senate Building, Hosnian Prime,

It was a bright and sunny day on Hosnian Prime. The senators were preparing for a meeting relating to the report received from Carson Teva regarding Imperial activity. Chancellor Mon Mothma was standing on the podium and was listening to what each member of the committee said about Teva's report. Though there has been heated debate between Chandrilla Senator Armandi Corse of the Populist Party and Coruscant Senator Bron Elshire of the Centrist Party.

"According to Captain Teva's report," Senator Armandi Corse said. "It appears that the Empire is preparing for a potential coup against us if we do not take action."

"This is false," Senator Bron Elshire said angrily. "The remnants have not been causing any issues. In fact Captain Teva has been abusing his authority and has been interfering in their affairs which is causing them to retaliate."

" I would object," Armandi said. "To state these allegations, Captain Teva is willing to speak on our behalf."

"Thank you," Teva said as he stood up to speak. "Honorable representatives of the New Republic Senate. I have dangerous revelations that these Imperial Remnants are preparing for a full scale armed conflict. They did not stop with Moff Gideon and are in fact becoming more bold and are willing to test our resolve."

"I would object," Elshire said disagreeing with him. "There is no evidence that proves that the remnants are preparing for a war."

"I have footage that I acquired during my investigation of the Correctional Transport which was transporting Imperial Warlords to the Amnesty Program," Teva said. "These incidents prove that they are linked and that there is someone above Moff Gideon who is continuing these operations."

Teva then revealed the footage that he took onboard the transport. He also showed the Senate the mysterious killings of the New Republic personnel and the wrecked droids along with the slashes on the wall.

"As you can see here," Teva said. "These images prove that while some were killed by blaster fire, others were killed by either slashes or have no physical injuries which could indicate that they have been strangled in some way."

"Still," Elshire said. "You are abusing your power Captain. You are constantly interfering in Imperial affairs which is causing anger amongst Imperial Delegates. With that said, I call for a vote to remove Captain Teva from the New Republic Starfighter Corps."

There was a series of arguments taking place and Teva sat back down in his seat and gave a look that he was not surprised about the fact that the Senate would not take action.

"Silence!" Chancellor Mothma said as she sadly counted the votes. "It appears that Senate has voted in favor of removing Captain Teva from The New Republic Starfighter Corps and demand that he is reassigned to recruitment."

As Teva left the Senate Chamber, Armandi and Mon Mothma followed him out and walked with him.

"The Core Worlds do not believe what is happening!" Teva said annoyed. "We are currently in the midst of a Cold War. If we do not deter the Imperial Remnants, there could be heated tensions and eventually become a new armed conflict. Who knows what these remnants are planning."

"Not to mention Ahsoka Tano is trying to find Grand Admiral Thrawn since she fears that he will launch a crusade against the New Republic," Mothma said.

"I believe you," Armandi said. "But unfortunately the Senate refuses to take action. As a member of the Populist Party, I feel that even though we are in favor of demilitarization, there are still threats looming across the galaxy."

"I have spoken to someone who will provide a solution to our current problem," Teva said. "I'm sure that with him we can help put an end to the Imperials once and for all."

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