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D-DAY of the Eclipse

As time mercilessly pressed on, the weight of my deteriorating condition became increasingly unbearable. 

Every breath became a struggle, each heartbeat echoed with a feeble rhythm. 

Seungcheol's concerned eyes searched mine, a mixture of fear and determination etched upon his face.

"Dani, are you okay? You look so pale," he uttered, his voice trembling with worry.

I mustered a weak smile, my attempt to mask the truth crumbling with every labored breath. 

The realization of Jangmi's insidious act, draining my life forces, gnawed at my weakened body. 

But I couldn't burden Seungcheol with the unbearable truth.

"I'm fine," I whispered, my voice barely a whisper. 

I tried to push away his concern, my feeble attempt to shield him from the harsh reality of my impending fate.

Yet, the facade shattered when a fit of violent coughing seized me, crimson droplets staining my lips and splattering onto the floor. 

Seungcheol's eyes widened in shock and horror, his voice laced with a mix of anguish and anger.

"Dani!" he cried out, his words laced with desperation.

My head spun, the room around me becoming a blurry haze. 

I fought against the encroaching darkness, summoning every ounce of strength to stay conscious. 

I could hear Seungcheol's frantic pleas, his voice an echoing symphony in the chaos of my mind.

"No, I'm fine," I gasped, forcing the words through trembling lips. I yearned to reassure him, to alleviate the burden he carried. 

But deep down, I knew the battle within me was nearing its devastating conclusion.

"What do you mean you're fine!? You're coughing blood!" Seungcheol's frustration boiled over, his words spewing out in a torrent of anger and fear. 

His voice, tinged with desperation, pierced through the air, pleading for me to acknowledge the severity of my condition. 

But I clung stubbornly to my fading strength, desperate to shield him from the inevitable truth.

In that fragile moment, the chamber door swung open, and Jangmi materialized once again, her presence a chilling reminder of impending doom. 

She paid no heed to Seungcheol's outburst, her gaze fixated solely on me. 

With an unsettling intensity, she forcefully compelled me to meet her gaze.

"It appears that your time is running out," she taunted, her voice dripping with malevolence. "Just moments before the ritual begins, you shall draw your final breath. Once I harvest your life forces, I shall become the worthy Petal."

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