Chapter 3

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"Do you know what you've done?" Magnolia screams at me. My eyes blink open to the question. I try to process what she said, but I look around where I am. I'm in some kind of room. Hotel-looking. Magnolia slams her hand down on my bed, "do you know what you've done?"

"No," I yawn.

"You have ruined my image to everyone. Goodbye sponsor strategy." Magnolia storms out of my room. I feel fear gathering inside me. I'm ruining plans and people's images.

I get up from my bed and join Magnolia, Magenta, and the stylists. We have no victor, so we are going to get a skilled trainer soon. They all begin to eat. My mind starts racing about what else could I have ruined and will. I drop my fork and stare at the empty plate.

I lay in my room for a few more hours and await the random trainer to join us. I stare at the walls, covered with color and life. It's weird they give us all this food and life only to kill us.

"Hello?" A tall woman opens my door. I immediately stand up to meet her. "Hi, I'm Pearl. I'll be your trainer." She reaches her hand out for a handshake. I follow through.

"I'm Sawyer," I mumble.

"I've heard a lot about you." Pearl looks me deep in the eyes. She knows everything.

"What?" I speak abruptly causing a rigid noise.

"You know what you've done. I'm here for it." Pearl winks and turns around. She gives me an odd feeling, neither good nor bad. She might be a rebel or a soldier sent to destroy me.

The next day, the first day of training starts. I recognize many plants and foods. I plan to find those in the arena. I see a berry that catches my eye. Nightlock. They are putting nightlock berries in the arena. I look away to not grab any attention and head over to the knife throwing.

The District 1 girl throws three knives on the board forming a triangle around the center. She throws a fourth landing right in the center. I stand to the right of her and throw a single knife, not hitting the board. She burst out laughing. I feel anger boom inside of me. I remember what Holly taught me. I grip a second knife and throw it. It stabs into the exact center of the target. Her laugh disappears.

At the end of the session I meet Magnolia. She ignores me every time I ask her a question. We return to our room in silence. She is obviously mad at the chaos I've caused. And her hair that burned.

The next few days fly. More practice and discovery. I got a score of 5. I purposely did bad. Magnolia got an 8. I am proud of her, even though she won't talk to me.

As we exit out of our room I try to talk to Magnolia once more.

"Magnolia. Please talk to me. We can win this together." I say calmly.

"No we can't! Only one of us will survive! And we stand no chance!" She curls up inside the elevator. "It's no use. I wish I was burned in the fire." She lays on the floor of the elevator in her green, floral dress wiping her tears. I help her up. "I'm sorry," she takes a few seconds to retain her breath, "this is all too much for me."

We get in line for our interview. I listen intently.

Names fly at me. Careers. Radiance, Victor, Athena, Bishop. District 3; Mercury and Xavier. The other Careers, Siren and Drift. That's the only names I catch before I take a nap.

I'm awaken to a push from Tucker (from District 8) and I run on stage for my interview.

"Hello, Sawyer. I heard you were sleeping. Is that true?" Caesar asks.

"Yes." I answer quickly and quietly.

"Do you have ax skills, or are you too young for that?" Caesar's words come out confidently and perfectly when I manage to throw up a few words at a time.

"I do uh, use the ax.. I work a lot.."

"Wow. I imagine you could really use that to your advantage. Now, let's talk about your accident. You fell off the chariot, into the horses, causing them to run forward, which made the District Six suits catch on fire burning Magnolia's hair. Can you explain it?"

"Well, I got nervous. Uh, I didn't mean to. Magnolia was pretty mad at me. I fainted before anything else happened".

"Well it's been great talking. Sawyer Birch from District 7!" I run offstage back to the elevator. It's over now. I die now.

In two hours, I'll be in the Hunger Games. Only two hours. I sit in an empty room with a doctor inserting a tracker in my body. No one cares. I wish I could talk to Magnolia more. We didn't plan a strategy or anything.

I make my way to the tube where I sit outside for a few more minutes. Adrenaline kicks in. I think about what the arena could look like. What will kill me? What will kill Magnolia?

It's time. I get in a black uniform and make my way into the tube. I see a shadow. The transparent tube door closes. Magenta runs over to me. She's holding a knife. She begins stabbing at the glass with the weapon. She screams at me about Omega. More cracks form on the glass. I jump to the other side of the tube, holding my body away from the stabs. 2 Peacekeepers show. Magenta uses the weapon. She kills the Peacekeepers. She turns around and continues stabbing. Blood smears on the glass. It's no longer makeup that distorts her face.

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