Chapter 9

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 It's day twelve and nine people left. There's hope for Magnolia and I. We could actually do this. Escape. Maybe not a big group, though. We lost everyone.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" Magnolia asks.

"Sure. Let's pack our stuff and go." I say. We head into the blue forest. The trees and bushes are beautiful. Everything is amazing. As we are walking I catch a glimpse of something tall in the forest.

"Magnolia, what is that?" I question.

"It looks like a building." Magnolia says with confusion. We begin to sprint. Just yards from the building. We continue to run until we make it to the front.

"Wow." I say. The building looks worn down and broken. We leave our stuff inside.

"Let's go get some food and camp here for the night." Magnolia says. We head out to get food.

BOOM! Another dies. Just one step farther in the game. Magnolia attempts to catch fish, but fails.

Rain begins to pour on us. We run back to the building and hide under a small piece of ceiling.

"So, what should we do tomorrow?" Magnolia asks.

"Kill another Career." I joke. Magnolia laughs, "I'm sorry about everything."

"It's okay. You're fourteen. This is really hard for you."

"Yeah. And for you. Like the time you cried in the elevator." Magnolia bursts into laughter.

"No we can't! Only one of us will survive! And we stand no chance!" She curls up inside the elevator. "It's no use. I wish I was burned in the fire." She lays on the floor of the elevator in her green, floral dress wiping her tears.

She reminds me of Samantha, my sister. I really do miss her. I have to go home and see and tell her all the stories.

The Fallen. Tucker from District eight. I feel good knowing I'm in the final eight. Next, it will be the final six and we will escape out of the barrier. Free of this nightmare fantasy.

My eyes start to feel very heavy, but the sound of falling bricks and wood keep me awake. The rain leaves spots on the wood floor. An indent. The rain smells unusual.

"It's acid rain." Magnolia whispers.

"Is Miles gonna be okay?" I wonder.

"I don't know. You should sleep. I'll stay awake to make sure nothing happens to us."

"Magnolia! Sawyer! Run! Career!" Miles screams. I see him. I can't let him die. I grab my ax and run in the freezing cold rain. The Careers are united. Magnolia takes off into the forest. Radiance fires an arrow into Miles. He falls. BOOM!

"NO!" I scream. My eyes jump open. I look around. That was a dream.

"Are you okay?" Magnolia murmurs.

"Yeah." I say lying back down. The rain is kinda soothing. The sound of the dripping. The most calm I've had in a while. I stay awake staring at the rustle of the trees.

I must've fallen asleep again, because when I wake up the sun is beaming through the trees. Also, the rain stopped. Magnolia is packing everything up. I get up and grab my bag.

"Where are we off to?" I ask.

"To find Miles." Magnolia answers. We jump down out of a broken window of the ruined place and make our way towards the Cornucopia.

We arrive at the Cornucopia and see Miles in the group. We both gasp. What should we do? This makes no sense.

"What is going on?" I whisper.

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