Chapter 10

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Day Fifteen, four people left. This is it. The grand finale. The final war to rack our brains and destroy our bodies. Whatever it is, it's gonna hurt. Mutts. Natural disasters. Weapons. And rage.

"Sawyer. Let's go." Magnolia says.

"Where?" I ask.

"To the Cornucopia. We need to end this once and for all."

"No. I think we need to rest more and apply more gauze to our injuries and take the medicine."

"Okay. I'm ready whenever you are." I apply more gauze to my leg and take another pill to lessen the pain. My mind starts to race, once more. Graham. Sickle. Pearl. Miles. Tessa. Aaron. They all died. I have to win for them.

We start our journey to the Cornucopia. The ground shakes tremendously. I fall to my feet. I hold onto a rock. Water bursts from the ground. It's a flood. We need a place far up. The ruins.

"Magnolia, follow me!" I shout. We limp to the ruins. We run up the hill and run inside.

We watch as water fills the Cornucopia. I squint to see Athena and Victor battling on the top of the Cornucopia.

I drop the remote bomb on top of the Cornucopia.

I rummage through my bag. I find the remote. It's time to end this. I press down on the button. The explosion goes off. Athena and Victor fly off the sides of the Cornucopia. I see something else. Sharks. Mutated sharks. One of them stabs its teeth into Athena and takes her underwater. BOOM!

"We have to go." Magnolia sighs.

"Down there? We're safe here." I say

"We need to end this. Victor seems safe there."

"Fine. Let's go." We jump into the water and swim. We step on objects to boost ourselves.

Magnolia grabs onto a tree to sturdy herself. She readies her bow and arrow. She misses Victor by inches. I swim towards him. A shark jumps out of the water and bites my right arm. It pulls me underwater. I began to scream. I use the knife from Miles. I stab the shark in the nose. I swims off. I swim to the top of the water.

"Sawyer!" Magnolia shouts. She jumps into the water to help me. The fins make their way towards us. Magnolia gasps. Her face goes underwater, her arms follow. She recovers after a few seconds. More sharks show up.

"Swim, Sawyer! Go!" Magnolia manages to shout before she is dragged underwater one last time. I swim to the Cornucopia.

BOOM! I crumple up into a ball. Magnolia is dead. What about the plan to escape? No, no, no, no, no. Yes. It's real. She died. Now win for her. Win for everyone. Aaron. Miles. Tessa. Kill Victor.

Victor stands holding his sword out ready to fight. I hold my knife. He swings, slicing my right side. I throw my knife with full force. It cuts slightly into his neck. It flies into the water.

"You're done for. Give up!" Victor yells proudly. He jerks the sword onto my jaw. I wince almost falling into the water. On the floor. The bag. There is still a large amount of sap. I dive for it. I grab it and smear it all over Victor. He throws me off him. A shark dives into me and bites my left arm, pulling me down.

Another shark bites my foot. Another's fin hits me. I try to swim, but they all pull me in random directions. I try to get free. I try everything. Another shark bites its jaw into my chest and drags me far away. I lose breath. My limbs go numb and stiff. I'm dead. This is it. Just like Magnolia. The teeth stab deeper into my chest. Farther and farther underwater. Keep going down.

BOOM! That's it. I'm dead. My cannon went off.

"Sawyer, I think you're ready," Holly says in shock

I did it. I wiggle free from my fever dream. I swim to the top of the water, free of all sharks. Climb onto the Cornucopia. I struggle to stand. A smile forms on my face. I'm going home. A helicopter appears dropping a ladder. I reach for the ladder, but the loss of blood makes me dizzy. I fall onto the Cornucopia. Everything goes black.

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