Chapter X : Stars

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12:51 PM

Our school is currently preparing the items we will need to make our own coffee after my classmates agreed to make an iced coffee.

MJ remarked, "Coffee, hot water, sugar, and a big tumbler," yet I still feel as though something is missing at this particular moment.

Sadly, MJ shook her head when I asked, "Wait, do we have something to use to stir our coffee?" It was one of the most important items to use when preparing coffee.

Dani replied, "We don't have any spoons." I have a feeling we're going to use our intrusive ideas.

"Let's continue this later, when it's snack time." We nodded, and hide all the tools and ingredients. 

2:37 PM - Math

Being so busy at the time, Mr. Reeves offered us a seat work assignment to keep us occupied. He coordinates the school band while also serving as our math teacher.

Marvin will be the one to help us while he's away, he told everyone.

Everyone was occupied with solving one issue after another despite the fact that it was seat work as he left.

I too attempted to solve, but knowing me, I am unable to complete a single math problem.

MJ is doing so. nothing?

As usual, she simply waits for Ash to finish hers before copying. Ash was unconcerned at all.

After some time, I continued attempting to comprehend the formula and resolve the provided problem, but Ash may have seen me because she called me.

I took some time and turned to face her.

She smiled and I wanted to cry because she said, "Copy, don't worry and I don't mind at all."God is consistently good.

She was very thoughtful and perceptive, so I smiled hesitantly and thanked her. What's going on—she knows I'm doing everything wrong?

Although it matters, my grades made me feel shamed.

In any case, I duplicated her answer swiftly as lightning.

After for a few minutes, the bell rang.

3:15 PM - Snack 

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