Im Ready

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"Oh come on dad I'm ready!" Elena protested as she ran after her father. "Everyone else goes in missions already and they're around my age! Why can't I?" Miguel continued to ignore the protesting teenager as he walked up to his computer and began working on something. "Hellooooo ?! Are you even listening?" She continued, sprawling herself across the keyboard in front of him. The tall man closed his eyes and let out a sigh "the people you are referring to are quite a bit older than you Ell, Miles is 17, so is Gwen, and Hobie. Plus they have spider abilities, you don't" he answered shoving his kid off his work space.

"Hm" the young wannabe hero pouted landing on her butt and crossing her arms. "Then why'd you help me make this web shooter and teach me how to use it if you weren't gonna ever let me do anything with it?" "She's got a point Bruv" Hobie announced walking into the room followed by Peter B Parker holding tiny Mayday Parker, Miguel rolled his eyes not looking up from his work. "Hobie!" Elena shouted springing onto her feet and practically leaping into his arms . "Hey spider bite" he teased making her cringe at the nickname he gave her cause of her dad's vampire teeth. "So I'm guessing this isn't a welcome thing for everyone?" Peter joked laughing at the two who still had their arms around each other. "It's not a welcome thing for anyone" Miguel snapped shooting a web out to grab his daughter and pull her away from Hobie and back to him. She sat back in her previous position pouting next to her dad.

"Oh come on man the girl's got fire" Hobie commented walking over to Miguel and ruffling the grumpy teenagers hair on his way over. This earned a quick glare from Miguel who grabbed Spider Punk's hand and yanked it up startling Hobie. "What's your problem man!?" He shouted annoyed "keep. Your hands. To. yourself." Miguel hissed at the rebellious teen boy who insisted on hanging around his little girl. "Look all I was saying is that I could keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe and such, no big deal or nothing" Hobie explained winking at the girl still on the floor. Elena perked up at this "please dad?!" She pleaded with her eyes. The hard hearted Spider-Man turned away covering his eyes with his hand so as not to allow his only weakness to persuade him... it didn't work.

"Fine" he relented "yes!" Elena and Hobie cheered in unison high-fiving each other. "But I'm coming with you" he added quickly "ok that's fine!" Elena breathed jumping up from her seat. "Thanks so much dad you're the best!!" She sang throwing herself onto her father's tall frame and wrapping him in a hug. A slight smile appeared on his usually stoic face. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing Hobie by the hand and pulling him down the hall "come on let's go plan our mission" . Her excited voice could be heard getting farther away.

Peter took the opportunity of being alone to try and talk to Miguel. "You don't like him being around her huh?" He inquired. Miguel sighed "I just don't want her to get hurt,not after..." he trailed off. "I know what you mean, I don't know what I'll do when this one starts dating" he laughed moving Mayday's arms around to make it appear like she is dancing and making funny faces at her. The tiny redhead giggled and her dad's goofiness. "She is NOT dating" Miguel corrected Peter. "Sure keep telling yourself that" he shot back as he walked away leaving the very stressed Miguel alone with his work once again.

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