Chapter 6: Hercules Vs Thunder breaker

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On the 21st of July 2763, at 7:55 AM, I was teleported again to the Colosseum. This time, however, I was teleported alongside Raphael to my seat rather than the Arena. Everything was just like the last time. Even the entity was in the same spot. I took my seat, waiting for the start of the match. At 8:00 AM, the announcer started introducing the match with his annoying voice again. I wished they would replace him. Mike, with his usual hype, exclaimed, "Hello and welcome back, everyone! Did you miss me? Today we came to see the fight between the Noivers and the Ogres. But first, let me ask you, ARE YOU READY?" The screams from all over the colosseum responded with a resounding "YEEEAAAAAH." "Ready for what? Their despair when they lose?" I thought to myself, finding irony in the situation.

The announcer continued, "Then let us get started. With his 285 cm height and 255kg weight, he came today with nothing but victory in his head. Ready to represent his race, the ogres' emperor joins us today from his home planet Kethra. LET ME HEAR YOU WELCOME OUR 1st FIGHTER, Mr. MOGOTH."

 Cheers erupted from all over as the Ogre entered the battlefield. Mogoth's focused and determined expression was evident as he walked. His black eyes were fixed on nothing but victory. Despite spending months in battle, his red-hard skin showed no visible scars. Escaping wars unscathed was a nearly impossible task for beings with tough skin like theirs. After walking for a moment, Mogoth stood in his place and retrieved a massive bludgeon from his back.

 After walking for a moment, Mogoth stood in his place and retrieved a massive bludgeon from his back

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The announcer then continued, "On the other side, we have this guy from his home planet Novara. With a height of 165cm and a weight of 58 Kg, he came for one single reason: to win. Armed with his high intelligence, this guy aims for the top. Ready to represent his race, the Noivers' prince joins us today. LET ME HEAR YOU WELCOME OUR 2nd FIGHTER, Mr. FULMINE."

 Cheers for the Noivers filled the air as Fulmine entered the battlefield

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 Cheers for the Noivers filled the air as Fulmine entered the battlefield. He was a short blond Noiver who gazed at his opponent with contempt in his red eyes. However, that contempt was mutual, as Mogoth mocked, "Is this the opponent? I think you didn't bring everything. This little amount of dust will disappear once I blow at it. Go back to your mother, kid, and get some milk. I want my opponent to be changed!"

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