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For over 500 years, a relentless war raged among 16 different races across 16 galaxies. This conflict led to the intervention of a luminous yellow being, who summoned 16 champions-each representing their race-to compete in a one-on-one tournament to end the war. Each champion was granted a superpower, balanced by its own drawbacks.

So far, five battles have taken place:

Human Phoenix vs. Viking Voggie:

Phoenix wielded the power of Playmaker, allowing him to craft items, and emerged victorious against Voggie, who used the power Destroyer.

Noiver Fulmine vs. Ogre:

Fulmine showcased his talent with Thunder Breaker, rendering the ogre powerless despite his Hercules Power-Up.

Wizard High Knight Merlaurelius vs. Forest Guardian Cervanmor:

Merlaurelius used Eternal Arcanum to defeat Cervanmor, who fought with Celestial Bloom.

Archangel Celestia vs. Dragon Elder Valthragor:

Despite her various attempts, Celestia failed to overcome Valthragor, proving the dragon's superiority.

Golem Obsidian vs. Demon Mistopholes:

Although Mistopholes was cornered, poisoned, and beaten by Obsidian's Dungeon Master power, he managed to snatch victory.

Stay tuned for our next chapter, where we will witness the battle between the Giant and the Fairy. Don't miss it!

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