Chapter 7: Celestial Bloom vs. Eternal Arcanum

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(Fulmine speaking)

On the 22nd of July 2763, at 7:55 AM, I found myself once again teleported to the Colosseum, accompanied by my AI assistant Leonardo. We occupied the same seats as the first battle, and as I glanced at Leonardo, I couldn't help but express my anticipation. "I hope this fight will be as captivating as the humans'."

Leonardo's blue eyes sparkled with confidence as he replied, "You mean as the Vikings', right?"

"No," I corrected him. "I meant the humans. That individual, despite being considered a nobody, managed to infuse the battle with an unexpected allure."

Leonardo's confusion was evident. "I still don't understand what you find fascinating about him. He appears weak, lacking intelligence, and his ability seems rather mundane. Who in their right mind chooses invisibility and reveals it within the first 20 seconds of a fight?"

"If you truly believe that, then you've fallen right into his trap."

Leonardo's brows furrowed, seeking clarification. "How so?"

"Remember how I didn't reveal my full ability and made it appear as something entirely different during my fight yesterday?"

Recognition flickered in Leonardo's eyes. "Are you suggesting that invisibility isn't his main ability?"

"Yes! He strategically made it seem that way, but it's merely a smokescreen. From the very beginning, the Viking had no chance of winning. Every move he made; the human was prepared for it."

Leonardo's astonishment grew. "But the Viking nearly finished him off. That last hit was nearly fatal. It was a miracle he survived. The human was lucky that the Viking let his guard down at the end of the battle. He even blacked out."

"That was all part of his plan—from luring the Viking into delivering a powerful blow to the moment the Viking turned his back to the spear. If you remember when the Viking countered his taser attack, he quickly responded and defended himself with his arm which broke in the process but saved him from dying. It was a calculated risk. He intentionally wanted to appear weak. If you still remember he used different powerful weapons such as the spear that turned around, and the glove that helped him send the Viking flying, and the shield that blocked the Viking's strongest attacks. This means he has access to strong weapons. The white room can only materialize simple weapons without issues. This means to create strong weapons as such he requires knowledge of how the weapon is created. Which leads to thinking that this human is a genius swordsmith." I was silent for a moment watching Leonardo absorbing the chock then I continued, "You mentioned that the system here possesses detailed information about each contestant, didn't you?"

"Yes, that's correct. Our computer systems gather data from all corners of the galaxies, providing us with comprehensive knowledge about the fighters, from their birth to their arrival here."

"Imagine if someone managed to erase all data about themselves from their galaxy's computers before coming here. What would happen then?"

"We would have no information about them... but that's practically impossible. Such a task would require access to highly secured and secretive computer systems, manipulating archives. It would be a monumental feat."

"Exactly! If you haven't noticed, all the contestants so far have been highly skilled and renowned figures within their respective races, except for him. I suspect this pattern will continue since it's only fair that our most skilled individuals represent us. However, a nobody or a mere human doesn't fit those criteria. Even the Ogre I fought yesterday displayed a considerable amount of potential and skill."

Our discussion was abruptly interrupted by the resounding voice of the announcer, Mike, as he began his introduction. "Hello and welcome again to the Galaxies' last stand tournament. Did you miss me?"

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