Six in the evening yet it seemed to be midnight. The sky was surprisingly very dark and not even a single star could be seen. A gush of cold wind blew around the few people walking in the streets. It was strange. It was too quiet.
The floor seemed to be the most interesting thing to look at for Sakura at this moment. As she tried her best to go out of the building, visible tears escaped her eyes and she didn't care if some people could see her like that--vulnerable and fragile. She was hurt and all she could do is cry.
Her coat couldn't successfully shield her body. She was shaking in coldness but that didn't stop her from weeping. There was only one thing inside her head right now: she wanted to escape this cruel reality.
She ran away from the building and made her way to the streets, carelessly crossing since only a few cars could be seen.
"Leave my life." Those words played through her mind once again. Ah, where did she begin? That's right--the moment she applied. Everything, including her feelings for Sasuke, came back and that was the start of it. That was the start of this nightmare.
She could still remember when everything seemed to be a dream. When he said those three special words, she could still picture herself with a very gleeful and pleased expression. Whenever he hugged her tightly, she could still feel Sasuke's arms around her because that's what she got used to--that's what she believed in. She believed that every single thing he showed was real; the truth. Sasuke was a man of a few words and his actions were most probably taken seriously. So that's what Sakura did, she believed that he was serious when he told her he loved her.
But like they say, you can never have too much of a good thing. Maybe she was really desperate. Well, who would blame her? Sasuke Uchiha was her first love; he has caught her attention ever since their teenage years. It's only natural for her not to doubt about the ravenette's feelings for her.
Sakura stopped at the waiting shed near the road and rested on the bench. Surprisingly, several cars are starting to cross, and their head lights actually brightened the dark night.
Shutting her eyes, she let his words sink again.
Leave my life.
This wasn't a fight. Having Sasuke would be worth it and Sakura was ready to wear an armour to enter a war for him. But how can you fight for someone who doesn't even want you to fight for him?
If he really did fall out of love or let's say, never did love her--she wanted to show efforts because she wants him to know how much he's special in her life.
However, he just said so himself, he wants her out of her life.
"Maybe it really is the time to leave everything," Sakura muttered while opening her eyes. She stood up from her seat and again, crossed the road carelessly.
Suddenly, a bright light and a honk grabbed her attention. She tilted her head and saw a speeding car, making her gasp and froze in spot. She couldn't make any reactions and the next thing she knew, she just closed her eyes tightly.
Sakura was ready for the impact because she knew very well that physical pain is nothing compared to what she's feeling right now. She was so empty...
Almost instantly, her emerald orbs opened at the mention of her name. The car stopped in front of her, and the distance they have was probably a few inches or so. Sakura gasped silently when she saw a familiar man stepping out of the vehicle and she didn't know why, but her tears started to fall again.
The pinkette ran to her and trapped herself in Naruto's arms. The blond furrowed his eyebrows in worry but hugged her back tightly.

False Hope (Modern SasuSaku Fanfiction)
FanfictionThree Uchiha Corporations around the world-Sakura Haruno works on one of them owned and supervised by Itachi Uchiha. One time, she was fired and she was forced to find a new job. There was two Uchiha Corporations at Japan, and one on America. She a...